• High Frequency Words (snap wprds)

    Your child must be able to read, write, spell and recognize kindergarten snap words.

    a                                     can                          how                                 are
    me                                  do                           you                                  come
    the                                 to                             am                                  love
    I                                     be                            did                                 too
    like                                 we                           fun                                  all
    my                                  got                           get                                 ball
                                          was                           on                                   had
    at                                   went                         up                                   will
    look                                she                           day                                 by
    see                                 he                            play                                 go
    here                               boy                           say                                 no
    is                                   cat                            for                                 so
    this                                dog                                                                 as
    an                                  friend                                                             has
    in                                   girl                                                                 her
    it                                   man                                                                 him
    and                                ran
    dad                                sat
    house                             sit