• Important Reminders


    Sheafe Road Elementary School Title I School

    School Parent Compact Link

    District Level Parent Involvement Policy BOE Policy 1900 (Located on District Website)

    School Hours: 8:25 am to 3:25 pm  


    Please DO NOT DROP your child(ren) off earlier than 8:25 am.


    Pick-up (at dismissal) will start 3:05 will occur at the side door (not the front door/main lobby). Students will be called to the cafeteria and parents will sign their their child(ren) out at the desk with the Sheafe staff member(s) present.


    Pick-up (not dismissal): please be sure to send a note in with your child, indicating time, date and ID # and reason they are being picked-up early. If you forget to send a note, please call the main office 298-5290 ext 18000.




    We believe that transportation by bus is the safest way of getting to and from school. If you choose to drop-off your child at Sheafe, you must use the North Parking Lot – immediately to your right when you pull into Sheafe. You may use either lot during dismissal, or park across the street and walk up the walkway (which is staffed for safety). 



    Breakfast K-6: $1.50 

    Cost of Lunch:

    K-5 $2.80

    6th Grade: $3.00

    Click on this link for more information about food services: Food Services



    Please call the school by 8:45 AM in the event your child will be absent. (298-5290 ext 18000).

    All visitors during the school day MUST bring a Valid Photo ID (License, Passport, Non-Driver ID Card) Sign-In and wear a Visitor’s Badge.