



    Mrs. Jacques

    Bitmoji Image 




    Hi Families! I am so excited to meet you and your child. I would like for you to login to Google Classroom so that we can begin to communicate. 

    Please go to classroom.google.com and click the plus in the right hand corner and join class. Then enter the class code: tfd2am4

    Invite Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MzgxNTgxNjQ1OTk3?cjc=tfd2am4

    **Please note:  You will need to log into google with your child's wcsd username and password in order to access the google classroom. Your child's username is firstname.lastname@K12.wcsdny.org  Password: firstname(with upper case first letter) followed by your student's id number. This id number is the same one they use to purchase lunch. 


