• Heavy work/movement:

    • Wash board, desk, tables
    • Move books

    Clap hands and stomp feet

    • Rub hands together, press palms together
    • Wheelbarrow walk, crab walk, bear walk
    • Run around the room/house
    • Wall push ups, press palms together and hold
    • Dance, do jumping jacks, or march

    Postural Changes:

    • Turn chair sideways or backwards, sit on yoga/physioball
    • Lie on belly on the floor leaning on elbows
    • Touch toes, stretch up
    • "Head, shoulders, knees, and toes" activity
    • Stretches in chair-arms up, to the side


    • Crunchy snacks such as pretzels, crackers, veggies, apples
    • Chewy foods such as granola bars, fruit rolls, dried fruit, gum
    • Sour foods such as pickles or candy
    • Trail mix
    • Cold foods and water


    • Fidget toys
    • Velcro inside or on desk
    • Rub hands together fast
    • Washing face with cold water


    • Place work on bright backboard (large shett of colored paper)
    • Good lighting
    • Visual prompts (ex. highlight writing lines)
    • Bright colored pencils, markers, etc...
    • Use nearby model of written letters or numbers
    • Prop up reading material, use of slant board for writing


    • Read aloud
    • Use songs and rhymes to remember facts
    • Teach someone else