• Wappingers Central School District

    OT/PT Department

    Direct and Indirect OT/PT Therapy Services

    Yearly Services:

        OT/PT services are recommended on a yearly basis. OT/PT for students in district consists of direct and indirect intervention. Three consecutive 6-day cycles consists of direct OT/PT services in which the student has contact with the occupational and /or physical therapist. This is then followed by one 6-day cycle of indirect OT/PT services in which the therapist serves as a consultant for the teachers regarding students on her caseload and engages in other workload related tasks. The student may or may not be directly seen by the therapist during the indirect speech cycle. This pattern of 3 direct cycles and 1 indirect cycle is repeated over the course of the school year, following the district calendar.

    Direct OT/PT Services:

        Consists of the OT/PT providing therapy services to students as per their IEP or RTI recommendations. The OT/PT is provided on an individual or group basis, either for pull-out or push-in sessions, or a combination thereof.

    Indirect OT/PT Services:

        OT/PTs engage in work-load related tasks during the indirect therapy cycles. Tasks included but not limited to; make-up sessions, classroom observations, teacher collaboration, attending meetings, curriculum research, data collection/analysis, provide inservice and staff training, and consultations. It is at the discretion of the OT/PT to provide make-up sessions for students during this time as prioritized by the OT/PT department.


        Teachers and staff are encouraged to make appointments with the OT/PTs during her indirect cycle to discuss students, observe students, and participate in shared decision making regarding student’s progress with the curriculum.

        OT/PTs are encouraged to reach out to teachers, staff, and administration to help support the fine and gross motor needs of students in her home school/building.