• Our faculty is mandated to post their homework online. Please visit their websites to obtain homework information. If you need additional information during your child's absence, please follow the instructions below.  

    Students who are out of school for one day should speak with their individual teachers upon their return to acquire any missed classwork/homework.  
    If you know your child is going to miss school (pre-planned absence, longer illness, other) the parent and/or student is strongly encouraged to speak with their school counselor and teachers so that we can provide any support necessary. 
    School counselor and teacher contact information can be found on our school website.  

    Students that are out 2 or more days can obtain homework by calling their  house office before 8:00 AM please.
    Grade 12 House 845-897-6700 x30020
    Grade 11 House 845-897-6700 x30051
    Grade 10 House 845-897-6700 x30082
    Grade 09 House 845-897-6700 x30043