Classroom Rules and Expectations

  • Fix It TicketGrizzlies will remain Respectful, Responsible and Safe at all times.

    In our classroom, students will be given "Fix-it Tickets" This ticket is a constructive next step for some self-reflection on the part of the student. Rather than just tell a child what they are doing wrong, it can be more effective to have them be the one to evaluate their own behavior and think about WHY they should work to fix it. 


    Monster Bucks:  Students will individually earn Monster Bucks for postive behaviors and hard work.  Monster Bucks may be cashed in for prizes or experiences. 

    Whole Class Management:

    Students and Teachers will face off with a tally challenge. The class will earn tallies for following directions and postive behavor.  Teachers earn tallies when students are not following directions or the majority of the class is off task.  If students earn more tallies than teachers at the end of the week, the class earns 5 minutes of extra recess.  Tallies will accumulate over time to reach whole class rewards such a Game Day or a Movie Day.