Riley, Kristina
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- Van Wyck Junior High School
- 7th Grade Spanish Syllabus
Welcome to the WCSD Languages other than English Program
This course is offered through WCSD and offers an immersive language learning experience on a daily basis for all students. Our World Language programs offer honor societies at the High School Level for all of our languages as well as opportunities for cultural and collaborative learning at the secondary levels. Through our language program, our students have the opportunity to achieve their Advanced Regents Diploma, the NYS Seal of Biliteracy and take Advanced Placement courses. Our students are guided by talented teachers with years of experience teaching in the district as well as at local colleges and universities. We align our work to the NYSED Standards of LOTE and the ACTFL World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages to provide opportunities for students to pursue their passion through language, culture and rigor.
Syllabus and Expectations 2024-2025
7th Grade Spanish
*Please keep in mind that this information is subject to change.
Teacher: Kristina Riley ( website:
Sequence: 7th Grade Spanish is the first half of the level 1 Spanish course. Successful completion of both 7th and 8th grade Spanish (in addition to passing the Spanish Proficiency Assessment at the end of 8th grade) will equal 1 high school language credit. A minimum of 1 credit is a NY State graduation requirement.
1. Identity and Social Relationships- self, family & friends, celebrations, customs, traditions
2. Contemporary Life- school life & education, food & meals, house & home, leisure, travel, communities & neighborhood, shopping
3. Science, Technology and the Arts- health & wellness, physical environment, climate, weather, geography, technology, media, social media
1. Communication (both interpersonal and presentational)
2. Connections (acquiring info & diverse perspectives)
3. Comparison (language & culture)
4. Culture
*This class will involve speaking, reading, writing and listening in Spanish.
Assessment: District 7th Grade Spanish Final Assessment
Materials needed for class daily: 3-ring binder (at least 1 inch) with paper, pen/pencil, charged chromebook, earbuds/headphones. *Almost all work will be completed on and turned in through google classroom.
Expectations and Procedures:
1. Be kind.- No bullying or unnecessary criticism. Look for ways to be helpful and lift people up instead of putting them down.
2. Be respectful of everyone and all materials in the classroom.- No arguing, interrupting or calling out. Don’t do things that will distract others and impact their ability to learn. Disruptions waste everybody’s time. Don’t waste materials or damage property that doesn’t belong to you. (Most of these items I have purchased with my own money to enrich your learning experience.)
3. Be responsible.- Always try your best. Tell the truth. Keep track of your assignments and other belongings. If you were absent, find out what you missed and make up the work. Ask for help if you need it. Check your grades on Google Classroom and Infinite Campus.
4. Be safe.- Follow all directions from staff members and the Code of Conduct. Use furniture appropriately.
Meet outside of class to discuss behavior with me and come up with a plan to improve.
Parent contact
Administrative involvement (referral) *Depending on what has occurred, it is possible to skip immediately to this step.
Most work will be completed during class time and then finished at home if extra time is required. You will be expected to practice/study your vocabulary at home daily (5-15 minutes should be sufficient if you are practicing every day). If you are absent, you will have to make up any missed work at home on your own time.
Opportunities to Improve Your Grade:
There will be no extra credit assignments or projects, however you will get the opportunity to redo assignments if you want to improve the grade on it. The deadline for all re-do assignments is one week before the end of the marking period. Projects can not be redone. If you get a grade lower than a 50% on a test or quiz, you may request to re-take it and have the 2 grade attempts averaged together. Test/quiz retakes must be scheduled with me for a time outside of our regular class period and may require you to come to school early or stay after.
Hall/Bathroom Pass Policy:
Only one student will be permitted to leave the room at a time, so you may have to wait. Please talk to me about any extenuating circumstances. Try to plan ahead and keep in mind that the best time to use the bathroom is during study hall, lunch, gym or a resource room period.
Extra Help:
Most problems are best solved during class, however I am available either before or after school by appointment, mutually agreed upon (scheduled at least one day in advance). If you don’t tell me you need help with something, I won’t necessarily know. You can always email me or write me a note if you don’t want to ask during class. The high school Spanish Honor Society also offers free tutoring.
Grading Procedures:
Practice Work → 30% (this may include, but is not limited to: classwork, listening, reading, writing, speaking tasks, dialogues, etc.)
Projects/Quizzes → 30%
Tests → 40%
*The use of online translators is forbidden. You will be provided with vocabulary lists and notes. I’d rather you try your best and make mistakes than submit work that is not your own. If I find evidence that a translator was used for an assignment, you will receive a 0% for that assignment and will not have the opportunity to re-do that assignment.
Please sign to indicate that you have read and understand this syllabus and the expectations for Spanish class. Keep this packet in the front of your binder.
(student signature & date)_________________________________________________
(parent/guardian signature & date)__________________________________________