Riley, Kristina
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- Van Wyck Junior High School
- 7th Grade Spanish Practice Work
7th Grade Spanish: Practice Work
Your homework every day is to spend between 5-15 minutes practicing your vocabulary and reviewing any notes. If you were absent, check on google classroom to see what practice work assignments were missed (you will need to do those at home, if you were not in class).
Links to assignments are in the Google Classroom
9/5/24- Get any supplies you may need for class (binder with paper, pen/pencil, earbuds/headphones). You will need to bring your charged chromebook and these supplies to class every day.
9/6/24- Get any supplies you may need for class (binder with paper, pen/pencil, earbuds/headphones). You will need to bring your charged chromebook and these supplies to class every day.
9/9/24- Get your syllabus/class expectations form signed. I will be checking them. Get any supplies you may need for class (binder with paper, pen/pencil, earbuds/headphones). You will need to bring your charged chromebook and these supplies to class every day.
9/10/24- Practice the Spanish alphabet. Get your syllabus/class expectations form signed. It is due tomorrow. Make sure you have all necessary supplies for class and bring them every day.
9/11/24- Memorize the Spanish Alphabet. Bring your computer and earbuds/headphones to class tomorrow.
9/12/24- Memorize the Spanish Alphabet. Practice spelling your first and last name.
9/13/24- Memorize the Spanish Alphabet and how to spell your first & last name. There will be a speaking quiz next week (due Thurs).
9/16/24- Make sure you can recite the alphabet in Spanish and spell your first & last name without looking at your notes. We will have a speaking quiz this week. It will be posted on Google Classroom tomorrow and will be due Thursday.
9/17/24- Speaking Quiz will post at end of school day today and will be due at start of class Thursday. You will need to make your voice recording at home.
9/18/24- Speaking Quiz is posted on Google Classroom and is due at the start of class tomorrow. Make your recording at home.
9/19/24- The speaking Quiz is/was due today. Practice your conversation vocabulary.
9/20/24- Study your conversation vocab. There will be a quiz at the end of next week.
9/23/24- Study your conversation vocabulary list. There will be a quiz on Friday.
9/24/24- Practice your conversation vocabulary. Quiz on Friday (everything from both sides of the list).
9/25/24- Practice your conversation vocabulary. Quiz on Friday (everything from both sides of the list).
9/26/24- Study for your quiz tomorrow. Bring your computer to class.
9/27/24- Start practicing the numbers 0-10.
9/30/24- Memorize the numbers from 0-10. Practice writing them (spelling them correctly).
10/1/24- Memorize/Practice the numbers up to 20.
10/2/24- Make sure you have memorized ALL numbers up to 20. Practice saying and writing them.
10/4/24- Practice the colors. Quiz next week on Thursday (colors and numbers up to 20).
10/7/24- Memorize the colors. Quiz Thursday on the numbers up to 20 and the colors.
10/8/24- Study for the quiz on Thursday (numbers 0-20 and the colors). Be able to say (in a sentence in Spanish) your age and your favorite color.
10/9/24- Quiz tomorrow! Practice the numbers 0-20 and the colors. Make sure your chromebook is charged.
10/10/24- Memorize the numbers up to 31.
10/11/24- Practice the calendar vocabulary and the numbers up to 31.
10/15/24- Practice/Memorize the months and days of the week.
10/16/24- Projects due on Friday (10/18) by 9 PM. We will have time in class tomorrow to work on them. The first test will be at the end of next week. Start reviewing everything we have learned so far.
10/17/24- Projects due tomorrow (10/18) by 9 PM. The first test will be at the end of next week. Start reviewing everything we have learned so far.
10/18/24- Projects due tonight (10/18) by 9 PM. The first test will be Friday of next week. Start reviewing everything we have learned so far. You can use the resources posted in the "Materials" section of google classroom as a study guide.
10/21/24- Practice the calendar vocabulary. Test Friday. Review all of the topics we have learned so far this year. For a study guide, use the "Materials" section of your google classroom.
10/22/24- Study for your Test Friday. Review all of the topics we have learned so far this year. For a study guide, use the "Materials" section of your google classroom.
10/23/24- Study for your test on Friday. The writing part will be on Monday.
10/24/24- Study for the Multiple-Choice Part of your test tomorrow. Remember to bring your charged chromebook. We will do the writing part on Monday.
10/25/24- The writing part of the test will be on Monday.
10/29/24- No practice work today!
10/30/24- Get caught up on any missing work or practice work assignments you want to re-do/correct.
11/1/24- The end of the 1st marking period is next Friday, 11/8/24. Please check your google classroom and infinite campus to make sure you are not missing any work. The deadline for turning in any missing or re-do work is Wednesday, 11/6. This is a firm deadline to allow time for grading and I absolutely will not accept any late work beyond that point.
11/4/24- Begin learning the adjectives vocabulary.
11/6/24- Study/learn the adjectives vocabulary. All work for the 1st marking period must be turned in by the end of the school day today (2:17 PM).
11/7/24- Finish the "Yo soy..." project for Tuesday. Practice for the presentation of it.
11/8/24- The "Yo soy..." project is due on Tuesday. Make sure it is finished and be ready to present it. In Spanish, you will need to say hello, introduce yourself and describe yourself (using the adjectives you wrote on your project).
11/12/24- Practice the adjectives vocabulary.
11/13/24- Practice the adjectives vocabulary.
11/14/24- Study (work on memorizing) the list of Spanish-speaking countries.
11/15/24- Study the list of Spanish-speaking countries and capitals. (You will eventually be having a quiz on the countries, their locations and the capital that matches with each country.)
11/18/24- Study the countries, capitals and locations of the countries. There will be a quiz next week on Tuesday before the Thanksgiving break.
11/19/24- Memorize the capital of each country and the country locations. There will be a quiz next week on Tuesday.
11/20/24- Memorize the capital of each country and the country locations. There will be a quiz next week on Tuesday.
11/21/24- Study for your countries and capitals quiz on Tuesday.
11/22/24- Study for your countries and capitals quiz on Tuesday.
11/25/24- Study for the countries and capitals quiz tomorrow.
11/26/24- Have a relaxing break and a Happy Thanksgiving!
12/2/24- Practice the questions and responses (saying where you are from, where you live and your nationality).
12/3/24- Begin learning the family vocabulary.
12/4/24- Study/memorize the family member vocabulary.
12/5/24- Study/memorize the family member vocabulary.
12/6/24- Study/memorize the family member vocabulary.
12/9/24- Practice the numbers up to 100. Your next quiz will be Tuesday, 12/17 (a week from tomorrow) and will be on the family members and numbers to 100.
12/10/24- Practice the numbers up to 100, the words él and ella, and the family members vocabulary. There will be a quiz next week on Tuesday.
12/11/24- Practice the numbers 0-100, the words él and ella, and the family members vocabulary. Quiz next week on Tuesday. The midpoint of the 2nd marking period is this Friday.
12/12/24- Practice the numbers 0-100, the words él and ella, and the family members vocabulary. Quiz next week on Tuesday. The midpoint of the 2nd marking period is this Friday.
12/13/24- Study for the quiz on Tuesday (numbers 0-100, él and ella, and the family members vocabulary). Today is the midpoint of the 2nd marking period.
12/16/24- Study for the quiz tomorrow (numbers 0-100, él and ella, and the family members vocabulary).
12/17/24- No practice work for today.
12/18/24- No practice work for today.
12/19/24- No practice work until we come back in the New Year! Have a wonderful break!