• 8th Grade Spanish: Practice Work 

    Your homework every day is to spend between 5-15 minutes practicing your vocabulary and reviewing any notes.  If you were absent, check on google classroom to see what practice work assignments were missed (you will need to do those at home, if you were not in class).

    Links to assignments are in the Google Classroom   

    9/5/24- Get any supplies you may need for class (binder with paper, pen/pencil, earbuds/headphones).  You will need to bring your charged chromebook and these supplies to class every day.

    9/6/24- Get any supplies you may need for class (binder with paper, pen/pencil, earbuds/headphones).  You will need to bring your charged chromebook and these supplies to class every day.

    9/9/24- Get your syllabus/class expectations form signed.  I will be checking them.  Get any supplies you may need for class (binder with paper, pen/pencil, earbuds/headphones).  You will need to bring your charged chromebook and these supplies to class every day.

    9/10/24- Practice the Spanish alphabet.  Get your syllabus/class expectations form signed.  It is due tomorrow.  Make sure you have all necessary supplies for class and bring them every day.

    9/11/24- Memorize the Spanish Alphabet.

    9/12/24- Practice the Spanish Alphabet and the greetings/conversation vocabulary that you got yesterday.

    9/13/24- Study the greetings/conversation vocabulary.

    9/16/24- Practice your vocabulary.  Memorize any words/phrases you don't know.

    9/17/24- Start memorizing/learning the questions and responses (Review Questions/Other ways to ask).  Paper notes given out and posted in Google Classroom under "Materials."

    9/18/24- Practice/Memorize the responses to the questions we have been working with.

    9/19/24- Practice/Memorize the responses to the questions we have been working with.

    9/20/24- Complete the Speaking Quiz (on Google Classroom) before the start of class on Wednesday.  Make sure you practice and are prepared before you start.  You should be comfortable answering any of the 10 questions without looking at your notes.

    9/23/24- The Speaking Quiz is due at the start of class on Wednesday.

    9/24/24- Speaking Quiz due tomorrow?  Lots of technical difficulties, so this may be extended.  Practice your numbers 0-100.

    9/25/24- Practice your numbers to 100 and your color vocabulary. 

    9/26/24- Make sure you know the colors and numbers up to 100 vocabulary.  Remember that you should be practicing your vocabulary and reviewing your notes every day for a minimum of 5-15 minutes.

    9/27/24- Practice/Study the calendar vocabulary.

    9/30/24- Memorize any of the weather and calendar vocabulary that you do not remember from last year.  Quiz Friday on all of the review topics we have done so far.  Use the notes in the "Materials" section of your google classroom to study.

    10/1/24- Study ALL of your review vocabulary that we have done up to this point (introductions, other ways to ask, numbers, colors, calendar words, weather).  Look at the "Materials" section of our google classroom for vocabulary lists and notes.  We will be having a quiz on Friday.

    10/2/24- Study for the quiz on Friday (bring your computer to class.  Study introductions, other ways to ask, numbers, colors, calendar words, and weather.  Look at the "Materials" section of our google classroom for vocabulary lists and notes.  

    10/4/24- Have a great weekend!

    10/7/24- Memorize the subject pronouns.  Practice writing them.

    10/8/24- Make sure you know ALL of the subject pronouns.

    10/9/24- Memorize the conjugations of the verb "ser."

    10/10/24- Make sure you can conjugate "ser."  Review your adjectives vocab and notes.

    10/11/24- Make sure you know the pronouns and conjugations of the verb "ser."

    10/15/24- Study the adjectives vocabulary.  

    10/16/24- Study the adjectives vocabulary.  Practice answering the questions: ¿De dónde eres?  ¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad?

    10/17/24- Study adjectives, nationalities and saying hair/eye color.  There will be a test on Wednesday next week.  Study all of the vocabulary and topics from the "Materials" section of your google classroom.

    10/18/24- Study for your test on Wednesday (10/23).  

    10/21/24- Study for your test on Wednesday.  For a study guide, use the "Materials" section of your google classroom.

    10/22/24- Study for your test tomorrow.  Bring your charged chromebook tomorrow.  For a study guide, use the "Materials" section of your google classroom.  The speaking part of the test will be on a google form that will post at the end of the school day today.  It will be due at the start of our class period (7:31 AM) on Friday.  This will need to be done at home (or somewhere realtively quiet), but it should not take you very long to complete.

    10/23/24- Prepare for the writing part of the test tomorrow.  The speaking part is due at 7:31 AM on Friday and must be done at home.

    10/24/24- The Speaking part of the test (on a google form) is due at the start of class tomorrow (7:31 AM).   

    10/25/24- The Speaking Part of your test was due today.  Practice/study the family member vocabulary.  Focus on the words that you don't already remember from last year.  Bring earbuds/headphones to class on Monday. 

    10/29/24- Make sure you know the family members vocabulary.  Practice (especially the words that may be new to you).

    10/30/24- Get caught up on any missing practice work assignments or assignments you want to re-do/correct.

    11/1/24- The end of the 1st marking period is next Friday, 11/8/24.  Please check your google classroom and infinite campus to make sure you are not missing any work.  The deadline for turning in any missing or re-do work is Wednesday, 11/6.  This is a firm deadline to allow time for grading and I absolutely will not accept any late work beyond that point.

    11/4/24- Make sure you know ALL of the family members vocabulary.  Turn in any late/missing/re-do work by the end of the school day on Wednesday.

    11/6/24- Practice the interrogatives and family member vocabulary.  All work for the 1st marking period must be turned in by the end of the school day today (2:17 PM).  

    11/7/24- Practice the interrogatives, family members vocabulary and adjectives.

    11/8/24- Practice the interrogatives, family members vocabulary and adjectives.

    11/12/24- Practice the interrogatives, family members vocabulary and adjectives.

    11/13/24- Projects are due tomorrow.  Practice the interrogatives, family members vocabulary and adjectives.

    11/14/24- Practice the interrogatives.

    11/15/24- Practice the interrogatives.

    11/18/24- Start practicing the school vocabulary.

    11/19/24- Practice the school subjects vocabulary.

    11/20/24- Memorize the school subjects vocabulary.

    11/21/24- Review your notes on telling time.

    11/22/24- Review your notes on telling time and the questions/responses from your vocab list.

    11/25/24- Study/Practice the school subjects vocabulary and questions.  There will be a quiz on the Thursday after we return from break.

    11/26/24- Have a relaxing break and a Happy Thanksgiving!

    12/2/24- Practice the questions (from your vocabulary list) and review the school vocabulary.  Quiz Thursday (schedules, subjects and telling time).

    12/3/24- Study for the quiz on Thursday (schedules, subjects and telling time).

    12/4/24- Study for the quiz tomorrow (schedules, subjects and telling time).

    12/5/25- No practice work today.

    12/6/24- Begin learning the classroom objects vocabulary.

    12/9/24- Study the classroom objects vocabulary.

    12/10/24- Memorize the classroom objects vocabulary.

    12/11/24- Practice the classroom objects vocabulary.  Memorize the conjugations of tener.  The midpoint of the 2nd quarter is Friday of this week.

    12/12/24- Practice/Memorize the school verbs.  The midpoint of the 2nd quarter is Friday of this week.  

    12/13/24- Memorize the AR verb conjugations.

    12/16/24- Memorize the AR verb conjugations and review your notes on how to conjugate (change) a verb to match the subject.

    12/17/24- Make sure you know all of the subject pronouns, conjugation endings and how to conjugate a verb.

    12/18/24- Study the AR verb conjugations and meanings of the verbs (We will be having a unit test in the first full week after the break.)

    12/19/24- Study the AR verb conjugations and meanings of the verbs (We will be having a unit test in the first full week after the break.)