
    Activities for home During the School Break:

    Physical Therapy Recommendations for Home The following websites are useful and engaging activities that your child may find familiar: 

    • Kidsyogastories.com 

    o Click on "easy yoga poses for kids" at the bottom left 

    hand side of the website O Encourage holding poses for 3-10 seconds each 

    depending on your child's level and interest. . Gonoodle.com 

    o Click on "get started now” then click on "families 

    play now" The following websites have wide range of information ranging from activities to parental information of child development

    • Pinkoatmeal.com 
    • Theinspiredtreehouse.com Other suggestions included
    • Limit time on technology 
    • Have movement breaks every 2-3 hours 

    o Which can consist of helping with household chores 

    and 1-2 exercises from the above links. o Play games like "Simon Says", hockey pokey, 

    charades, imitating animal poses/walks (i.e. cat/cow 

    pose, duck walk, bear crawl, donkey kicks, bird walk/flapping arms, crab walk, elephant walk, etc.). o If your child likes board games or uses electronics, 

    consider position changes such as going on belly propped on forearms or playing games in kneeling 

    (not sitting on your buttocks). o Be mindful of your child's sitting posture to minimize 

    slouching. Upright posture helps muscles work more 

    efficiently over time. o If weather permits, consider walking and playing 




    ToysRUs Gross Motor section

    A handy way to search for toys based on developmental need.  This is specifically the gross motor section.