• Name:  Brian Fulton MSPT
    Subject: Physical Therapy ( K-12)
    Email: Brian.Fulton@wcsdny.org
    Phone: John Jay: 845-897-6700  Evans: 845-298-x 5240 11111  Brinckerhoff:  845-897-6800, Vassar Road Elementary School:   845-463-7860
    Welcome Message:  Welcome to Physical Therapy with Mr. Brian

    Hello PT  parents & students!

    First & foremost, I hope that all of my students and their families are safe and well!

    I understand how overwhelming and confusing this time is and my hope is that I can offer some guidance and strategies to make it a little easier for all of my students. I truly miss seeing and working with each and every one of them!

    Starting this Friday April 3rd, I will slowly be adding resources, strategies, and activities to keep my students moving, catching, improving their balance and having fun in their teachers google classroom.  Keep in mind that this will be constantly evolving as I will continue to have access to more digital resources and training in the days to come. If you have questions or need guidance that is specific to your child’s PT needs, I can be reached via email: Brian.fulton@wcsdny.org   I will be checking this email periodically throughout the week and will respond as soon as I am able.

    I will be availablevia email during the school week to answer questions and concerns as promptly as possible. 

    Please check out my teacher website for general PT information, resources, and activity suggestions: https://www.wappingersschools.org/Page/15996

    Again, I am here to help! Stay well!!


    Brian Fulton PT


    I am a district physical therapist.  I help students improve their gross motor skills to better access their education and school environment.  I try to make sessions interesting and engaging, and have a lot fun "playing 
    My home school is John Jay High School but I also see students at James Evans Elementary  Brinckerhoff Elementary and Sheafe Road Elementary and Vassar Road Elementary School. Due to the large amount of traveling that I do between schools, the best and easiest way to contact me is via the email address listed above. If you need to contact me via phone I can be reached at the following schools on the following cycle days.
    Day 1: JJ, Evans, Sheafe
    Day 2: JJ, Evans, Brinckerhoff
    Day 3: JJ, Evans, Brinckerhoff
    Day 4: JJ,Vassar
    Day 5: JJ, Brinckerhoff, Vassar
    Day 6: JJ, Evans, Brinckerhoff, Vassar

    Physical Therapy Recommendations for Home The following websites are useful and engaging activities that your child may find familiar: 

    • Kidsyogastories.com 

    o Click on "easy yoga poses for kids" at the bottom left 

    hand side of the website O Encourage holding poses for 3-10 seconds each 

    depending on your child's level and interest. . Gonoodle.com 

    o Click on "get started now” then click on "families 

    play now" The following websites have wide range of information ranging from activities to parental information of child development

    • Pinkoatmeal.com 
    • Theinspiredtreehouse.com Other suggestions included
    • Limit time on technology 
    • Have movement breaks every 2-3 hours 

    o Which can consist of helping with household chores 

    and 1-2 exercises from the above links. o Play games like "Simon Says", hockey pokey, 

    charades, imitating animal poses/walks (i.e. cat/cow 

    pose, duck walk, bear crawl, donkey kicks, bird walk/flapping arms, crab walk, elephant walk, etc.). o If your child likes board games or uses electronics, 

    consider position changes such as going on belly propped on forearms or playing games in kneeling 

    (not sitting on your buttocks). o Be mindful of your child's sitting posture to minimize 

    slouching. Upright posture helps muscles work more 

    efficiently over time. o If weather permits, consider walking and playing 
