

    Course Description (Studio F587):  Studio-in-Art is a full year foundation course that fulfills the Art/Music graduation requirement. It is the prerequisite course for Advanced Art 1 and Advertising Design, and is the first course of the drawing/painting sequence that culminates with AP Art. Studio-In-Art includes drawing, painting, and printmaking. There are 2-3 projects per quarter, and most projects involve extensive planning in sketchbooks. Projects often include multiple mini-exercises that lead up to the final product. Emphasis is placed on the elements and principles of design, development of observational drawing skills, composition, and materials exploration.

    Expectations:  Students are expected to attend all classes on time, and be ready when the bell rings. Students need to complete all assignments on time to receive full credit, including homework. Late work is deducted 5 points per day. If extenuating circumstances arise, it is the student’s responsibility to communicate with the instructor so that accommodations can be made. Ultimately, the amount of time and energy put into the course is directly related to the degree of success.

    Assessment:  Students are given grades for quizzes, homework, class projects, and sketchbook work. Students are regularly given rubrics with specific goals and criteria. Evaluation is ongoing, and often occurs during projects, not just at the end. Feedback from the instructor and classmates (often in the form of a group critique) is provided regularly. Like any other subject, feedback is used to help students get better, recognize progress, determine areas for improvement, and learn how to critically observe and speak about artwork.



    Supplies Needed for Studio-In Art (Classroom resources are available, please contact teacher.) 

    Spiral-Bound Sketchbook Journal:  Sketchbook work is a large part of the grade for this course. Sketchbooks should be 8½ x 11 or 9x12, spiral bound (no taped bindings). Sketchbooks should be in class everyday for note taking and class work. Names need to be on the back surface in marker, large.
    3-Ring Binder (no larger than 1-inch binding) or folder:  Students need to keep all handouts organized in order to study for quizzes, to know what to do, and to know grading expectations. If a student puts all of their subjects in the same large binder and brings it to art class every day, a section for Studio should be included.