• Communication Systems & SIA/Communication Systems
    Course Code: T6710 & I100
    Prerequisites: None
    Semester Offered: Fall and Spring (T6710 half-year I100 full-year)
    Ranking Weight:
    Recommended Grade: 9 -12
    College Credit: None

    Other: I100 (full-year) Course Fulfills the New York State Art/Music Graduation Requirement.

    Course Description: SIA/Communication Systems (T6710)
    Communication Systems is a HALF YEAR, half credit course, taught by the Department of Technology. Students learn about the different systems of communications including, audio, audio/visual, visual, and electronic.  Students will use various Communication Technology Equipment including mixing boards, video cameras, Apple Computers, and other video production equipment. Students work will be displayed on MSG Varsity Network. 

    Course Description: SIA/Communication Systems (I100)
    Communication Systems is a FULL YEAR, full credit course, taught by the Department of Technology in conjunction with the Art Department (Studio-In-Art) at John Jay. Upon completion of both Communication Systems and Studio-In-Art, students will receive credit in Technology and Art. Student’s NYS Regents Art/Music requirement will be fulfilled.

    Topics, Activities, and Projects:

    •    Introduction to Technology Education, Communication Technology, and Communication Systems
    •    Inventions and Inventors related to the field of Communication Technology
    •    Visual Communication Systems
    •    Adobe Photoshop Poster Design
    •    Multimedia Presentation Techniques
    •    Digital Imaging
    •    Audio Communication Systems
    •   Audio Mixing in Sound Studio
    •   Audio Recording Techniques and Editing
    •    Audio/Video Communication Systems
    •    Introduction to Video Production
    •    Video Camera Shooting Techniques
    •    SoundFX for Special Effects in Video
    •    Sport and Activity Documentation
    •    Chroma Keying using Green Screen Technology
    •    Electronic Communication
    •    Satellite and GPS Technology
    •    Telecommunication Technologies

    Course Slide Show