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John Jay High School
2012 NY-52 | Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 | PH: 845.897.6700
About Our District
1-Page Calendar 2023-24
1-Page Calendar 2022-23
1-Page Calendar 2021-22
1-Page Calendar 2020-21
1-Page Calendar 2019-20
1-Page Calendar 2018-19
School Profile 2017-18
1-Page Calendar 2024-25 V1
Community Relations
Business Education
English Language Arts
Family & Consumer Science
Fine & Performing Arts
Learning Center
Library Media Center
Physical Education
Project Homework
School Counseling
Science Department
Social Studies
Special Education
Technology Education & Engineering
World Languages
Mr. Albanese, Asst. Principal, Class of 2025
Mr. Posner, Asst Principal, Class of 2026
Ms. Cotto, Asst. Principal, Class of 2027
Ms. Chapin, Asst Principal, Class of 2028
Mr. Kedzielawa, Principal
John Jay Athletics
Amnesty International
Big Band
Black Student Union
Book Club
Chamber Choir
Chess Club
Computer Science Honor Society
Crew Club
Debate Club
e Sports
Elysium Literary Magazine
Environmental Club
Freshman Class
Future Farmers of America (FFA)
Gender Sexuality Alliance
Girl Up
Good Day Jay
Good Samaritan Club
Health and Medicine
Ice Hockey (Boys)
Jazz Ensemble
John Jay Racing Club
John Jay Stock Investing
Junior Class
Learning Center
Link Crew
Math Club/Honor Society
Model UN
Music Honor Society Tri-M
National History Honor Society
National Honor Society
Project Homework
Robotics Team
Science and Research Club
Science Olympiad
Senior Class
Ski and Snowboard Club
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Societa' Onoraria Italica
Société Honoraire de Français
Student Council
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
The Lightkeepers
Patriot Post
Unified Buddies
Wappingers Boys Lacrosse
Wappingers Girls Lacrosse
Attendance Office
Daily Announcements
Parent Portal
Forms on Family ID
School Lunch
School Counseling
Phone Alerts Signup
CAPE Survey Opt Out
Combat Addiction
Parent Guide to Emergency Response
Health Office
Code of Conduct / Incident Reporting
Combat Addiction
Course Handbook
Graduation and Beyond
Health Office
JJ Media
Parking Passes for SENIORS
School Counseling
Working Papers
Aldarondo, Giselle
Allen, Shahna
Allicino, Ashley
Amodio, James
Anderson, Vincent
Angelo, Sylvia - Science
Archibald, Deanne
Aurigemma, Amy
Axelson, Gregory
Banco, Juana
Banda, Ryan
Barrie, Lisa
Bastien, Michael
Batira, Michael
Beiner, Nancy
Bell, Justine
Berardo, Gregory
Betancourt, Daniella
Betcher, Brad
Bianco, Dianna
Birnbaum, Steven
Bliss, Natalie
Boylan, MaryBeth
Brenner, Karrie
Brown, Michael
Buergers, Alexa
Butler, Jeff
Cabello, Kourtney
Callahan, Thomas
Carroll, Elizabeth
Casey, James
Catucci, Toni-Marie
Chiacchia, Michael
Ciocchi, Catherine
Clancy, Eileen
Cohen, Steven
Colvin, Stephanie
Conti, Rosemarie
Cooke, Megan
Cottrell, Alexander
Crocco, Michael
Cruz, Elizabeth
Cummings, Jennifer
Cupano, Daniel
Cupano, Dina
Dahl, Heather
David, Paul
Davis, William
Delgreco, Anthony
Denardo, Steven
deSimone, Suzanne
DiVittorio, Brent
Drnek, Thomas
Duffy, Katrina
Esposito, Lisa
Feldman, Eric
Fendrich, Sophia
Ferris, Bianca
Finsmith, Rena
Fiske, Charles
Fletcher, Robert
Follari, Rachel
Frangione, Jenna
Freedman, Ian
Fulton, Brian
Fusco, Paolina
Gale-Morales, Ana
Gargano, Kristin
Gehret, McCray
Giancotti, Amanda
Gibbons, James
Gilmartin, Linda
Green, Meryl
Haaland, Robert
Herman, Thaddeus
Hogg, William
Holsopple, Edward
Hornicek, Kaitlyn
Humphries, Jocelyn
Coltellino, Jennifer
Ingalls, Amanda
Irving, Katherine
Johanson, Lauren
Jordan, Cynthia
Jutt, Jason
Kalaka, Emily
Keating, Elizabeth
Kermani, Timothy
Kolachik, Matthew
Kotlowski, Elizabeth
Kreso, Gina
Krisch, Amber
Lahey, Dana
Lancer, Ruth
Lassi-Dampf, Stacy
Lieber, Kathryn
Lohmeyer, Elizabeth
Lopez-Hist, Angela
Macklin, Michael
Maoriello, Scott
Martinez-Rivera, Bonnie
Martire, Sonia
Maxwell, Brielle
Mccarroll, Alyson
Mcfarland, Mary Jane
Mcilwee, Donde
McKindles, Andrea
Mealy, James
Mhiri, Aida
Miller, Leah
Monroe, Janine
Monti, Anthony
Morsey, Jessica
Murtaugh, Dawn
Nelson, Laura
Newman, William
OHare, Thomas
Oliveira, Louie
Orfei, Stephen
Pallozzi, Christopher
Pedota, Joseph
Pendley, Susan
Perry, Kristen
Pesce, Lisa
Petrella, Alyson
Phelan, James
Polasek, Alicia
Rabideau, Luke
Raymo, Kyle
Rizzi, Elizabeth
Roe-Marshall, Stacy
Roos, William
Ruffalo, Candice
Salvestrini, Danielle
Scheffel, Elizabeth
Schlusser, Elizabeth
Seipp, Robert
Seufert, Carmelita
Siegelberg, Brahna - English
Stacchini, Amy
Stolarski, Leslee
Stuart, Caryn
Stuart, Devon
Sztaberek, Emily
Talbot-Howard, Robyn
Tierney, Patrick
Torres-Trinidad, Alana
Tweeddale, Lisa
Utter, Zachary
Van Demark, Damon
Walsh, Kerri
Wehmann, Robert
Zilinski, Rebecca
Emberger, Joseph
Fleming, Krista
Frey, Matthew
Lyon, Kirsten
Pettigrew, Michelle
Santana, Kelly
Varian, Kathryn
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Bianco, Dianna
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9th Grade Personal Challenge Notebook
John Jay High School
9th Grade Personal Challenge Notebook
9th grade personal challenge workbook