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                      Internet Links- Homework/Study Help
    Explore Naviance, an exciting tool for career and college exploration! Follow the following link and instructions:
    * To sign on:
    Go to the pull down tab, in the upper right hand corner, under "Student/Parent Sign On".
    You'll be brought to the sign on page: Under "Email" and "Password", type in your Student I.D. (for both). Please note, if your I.D. number is five               
    digits long, you need to add two zero's at the beginning of the number. For example, if your Student I.D. number is 12345, you'll need to enter
    To create flashcards for various topics:

    For study guides/quizzes:



    For an educational and fun site:



    For homework help:



    For help on various math concepts:


    Online Language Dictionaries: