- John Jay High School
- John Jay Social Studies
Social Studies
TEACHER GRADE EMAIL Chiacchia, Michael Global I, History of Sports, Econ & DCC michael.chiacchia@wcsdny.org DeNardo, Steven US History and Global I steven.denardo@wcsdny.org Drnek, Thomas Economics and Government thomas.drnek@wcsdny.org Follari, Rachel (TC) Global I&II Honors & PIG rachel.follari@wcsdny.org Gibbons, James Global I james.gibbons@wcsdny.org Kolachik, Matthew Government , Economics and Myths and Legends matthew.kolachik@wcsdny.org Macklin, Michael AP Global, global Honors/Regents American Civil War & WAW michael.macklin@wcsdny.org Maoriello, Scott AP US History & Govt & Philosophy scott.maoriello@wcsdny.org McIlwee, Donde DCC Social Problems & US History Regents/Honors donde.mcilwee@wcsdny.org Pendley, Susan US History & Gov't Regents/Honors, History of Film & Holocaust Studies susan.pendley@wcsdny.org Pesce, Lisa US History, DCC Gov't & Gov't Regents/Honors & AP PIG lisa.pesce@wcsdny.org Petrella, Alyson US History Regents & AP Economics Macro/Micro alyson.petrella@wcsdny.org Phelan, James Psychology & DCC Psychology james.phelan@wcsdny.org Scheffel, Elizabeth Global I & Global II Regents/Honors elizabeth.scheffel@wcsdny.org Schlusser, Elizabeth Global I & Global II Regents/Honors & Human Rights and African Studies elizabeth.schlusser@wcsdny.org Stolarski, Leslee Global I & II Regents leslee.stolarski@wcsdny.org Utter, Zachary Global I & II Regents & AP Global zachary.utter@wcsdny.org