This course will provide one credit in a science sequence toward your graduation requirements. Marine science effectively combines components of Earth science, Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, and Environmental ethics, with emphasis placed on scientific principals and analysis. This course will require extensive study time in the classroomlaboratory, and at home. Learning will take place both individually and in a cooperative classroom environment. You will experience multiple learning styles along with hands-on activities throughout this course. Critical thinking and study skills will be stressed in this class.


                You will be graded on your effort and performance in a variety of different topics, procedures, and participation.  You will experience various types of classwork, laboratory, homework, tests, quizzes, and projects. Your grade will be calculated on a point system. Each assignment will be worth a certain amount of points. All points scored by you will be added together and divided by the total number of points for the quarter. 


                Homework is considered on time when they are handed in at the beginning of class. Any time after that, and it is considered late.  If I cannot read it, I will not accept it! You will have ONE day to make up a late assignment. The highest grade a student can receive for homework ONE day late is a 75%. 


                Classwork will be worked on and completed in class. At the end of the period classwork will be collected for grading. This means that whatever you have completed during the class period must be handed in.

                Laboratory work will also be worked on and completed in class. Some labs may take more than one day to complete, and it is your responsibility to retain the lab paper work and data for the following day(s). Upon completion of the lab, all work must be submitted at the end of the period on the final day.


                All missed tests and quizzes due to absence should be completed within one week of the date that they were administered. This can be done during a free period in test table. If you do not have a lunch or free period, please see me to schedule a time after school.

                For projects, you will be given multiple class days to complete the work. Like labs, projects will be due at the end of the period of the final day. And like homework, projects can be handed in ONE day late for a 25 pt. deduction.



                During any 5-week period, all late work will be accepted for a maximum 50% of the original points. This means that before the progress reports are due, the previous 5-weeks of work can be handed in, and again at the end of the quarter, the previous 5-weeks of work can be handed in.



    If you are absent, please see me before or after class for the assignment(s) that you missed. It is your responsibility to complete and hand in the work the following day. If you have been absent for an extended period of time, you may need to stay after school or see me on a free period to make up work.


    • Pen and Pencil in working order
    • A three-ring notebook with loose leaf or a spiral notebook and folder (which ever works best for you)


    • You are expected to arrive to class on time. If you are late, you will need a legitimate pass (The consequences for tardiness will follow the district policy)
    • You are to remain in your seats unless otherwise instructed. Please sharpen your pencil before class. If you need to throw something out, please wait for an appropriate time to do so.
    • Come to class ready to work. Upon arrival look at the Display Screen or Board for your "Do-Now" assignment. You are expected to begin right away.
    • Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Inappropriate behavior includes anything that interrupts the teaching and learning process. Some examples are: Continuous talking; using a cell phone, iPod, or other electronic device during class; abusive language (slurs, stereotypes, or any other derogatory language) or indecent gestures; throwing objects in class; etc.
    • Consequences include: warning, seat moved, removal from class, detention, referral, phone call home, etc. Depending on the severity of the infraction, a removal from class may be issued without a verbal warning.



    • Cell phones/electronic devices will be used in this course for educational purposes, BUT during lecture, instruction, or viewing media, cell phones and devices are strictly prohibited. If a student is seen using their device, a referral will be written and given to the appropriate administrator. 



    • I will not expect anything from you that I am not willing to give in return.  These expectations include respect, hard work, discipline, a good sense of humor, and honesty. Rude or disrespectful attitudes will not be tolerated in my classroom.


    -          Marine Science: Marine Biology and Oceanography, 2nd Edition, by Thomas F. Greene