- John Jay High School
- DCC Public Speaking
Mr. Casey – DCC Public Speaking
Office Phone: 298-5100, Extension #30080
Office Number: #100 Classroom--#216
Email: james.casey@wcsdny.org
Course Policies:
- Be here and be on time with your binder, appropriate text, paper and something to write with EVERYDAY. Be prepared with specific materials as needed.
- Follow your calendar: ABSENCE EXCUSES YOU FROM NOTHING. Being absent will NOT excuse you from quizzes, tests, or due dates. Late work will be assessed a deduction of 10 points per day whether you are in school or not. If you are absent, show me the work the day of your return. If you miss a quiz or a test you must make it up within two days of your return, or the grade will be a zero. It is your responsibility to reschedule the test. If you cut you will receive a zero for the assignment. BE HERE. This is a participatory course.
- If you are having trouble with anything, please see me or email me. If you need extra help, meet with me before or after school. I am here at 6:30 AM everyday and by appointment. I am available during 2nd, 5th or 8th periods. I can be found in the English office—Room #100. My classroom for this year is the LGI Room #128.
- BE RESPONSIBLE. You are taking this course; therefore you should always be aware of your progress, your assignments, your due dates, and the work you owe. I will not chase you down for work owed. Grading follows the DCC policies as listed below.
- This is an elective. You must research, read and above all ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE!
- Keep current with all reading, so we can discuss and discover the inherent all aspects of the speaking and presentation process.
Classroom Decorum:
- Casey expects the best that you can give at all times
- Maintain an honest, friendly and tolerant demeanor to everyone that walks through the door and especially those who are presenting.
- Respect everyone’s right to speak ( translation: not talking while someone else is speaking—especially Mr. Casey)
Paper Formatting:
- I am very particular. Follow the guidelines.
- Times New Roman or Arial font only
- 12 point type only
- 1” margins (MLA standard format)
- Appropriate Cover Page
- Double spaced
- No colors, pictures, headlines, etc…
- Handwritten is a last resort, but if you must, use black ink only, college ruled paper, appropriate margins, double spaced, one side of the page, and legible hand writing. NO TEAR OUT SHEETS. NEATNESS COUNTS.
- Plagiarism of any kind is stealing
- Using anyone’s words without documentation or permission is plagiarism.
- Downloading, or pasting from the web is theft.
- Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
- Plagiarized work will result in swift and immediate punishment. A zero will be assessed, and parents and administration will become involved.
- All major papers will go through turnitin.com as noted in your paper procedure.
- We will use turnitin.com for all writing assignments. All written assignments are due at 11:59 PM on the day of the assignment. If you do not have internet access at home, plan ahead and turn it in at school or at a local library.
Please see attached DCC Course Outline
☐ PART I. Course Number: SPE 101
Course Title: Public Speaking
☐ PART II: Course Description:
This course is devoted to the study of oral communication as it relates to the speaker, her/his purpose, subject, outline, presentational aids, delivery, and audience. The first part of the course emphasizes the theory of public speaking, while the latter part is concerned with the analysis, preparation, and performance in the areas of informative, demonstrative, persuasive, and occasional speaking.
Pre-requisites and/or co-requisites: None
☐ PART III: DCC Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) (If Applicable)
(1) Oral Communication: Students will demonstrate oral communication skills in a clear and organized manner using appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication techniques with regard to subject, purpose and audience.
(6) Critical Analysis and Reasoning: Students will formulate or evaluate arguments, problems or opinions and arrive at a solution, position or hypothesis based on carefully considered evidence.
☐ PART IV: Course Student Learning Outcomes:
- List and define the various types of speeches and speech-making. List and give examples of how to conquer speaker apprehension. Define and give an example of an audience analysis. List the dos and don’ts of effective listening as an audience member.
- List the methods of selecting a speech topic and main point headings. List and give examples of the types of supporting material used in speechmaking. Define statistics, expert testimony, and comparison and contrast, and explain how and why each are used in speechmaking. Define deductive and inductive reasoning, and explain each might be used in a prepared speech.
- List speech performance dos and don’ts.
- List the types of elements of group discussion. Participate successfully in a group discussion and group problem solving group.
- Present impromptu speeches on various topics. (1)
- Research and create an effective speech outline with an introduction, body and conclusion. Create effective visual aids. Deliver an effective extemporaneous speech of information, demonstration, and persuasion in terms of content, oral presentation, and non-verbal presentation. (1,6)
☐ PART V: Course Outline:
- a) Topics Covered
- Developing self confidence.
- Ethics in communication.
- Audience analysis and demographics including age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, education, and socio-economic level.
- Selecting a subject, specific purpose, and central idea.
- Effective listening.
- Researching and gathering supporting material.
- Using examples, statistics, expert testimony, and comparison and contrast.
- Developing effective visual aids.
- Outlining the speech with an introduction, body, conclusion and effective transitions.
- Impromptu speeches.
- Extemporaneous speeches.
- Using note cards.
- Performance dos and don’ts—volume, diction, eye contact, body language, podium etiquette, word usage.
- Informative speeches.
- Demonstration speeches.
- Persuasive speeches and arguments including deductive and inductive reasoning.
- Occasional speaking.
- Group discussion, leadership, and problem solving.
- b) Instructional Methods
- Lecture/discussion of key topics.
- Group projects and discussions.
- Writing assignments.
- Power Point assignments.
- Role-Play.
- Videotaping of speeches.
- c) Course Requirements
- 2 written tests on course content.
- 4 extemporaneous speeches.
- 4 impromptu speeches.
- 1 panel discussion.
- Participating in in-class exercises and activities.
- d) Grading Practices
- Exams = 30%
- Speeches = 45%
- Class Activities = 25%
- e) Required Text (s)
Lucas, Craig, The Art of Public Speaking, McGraw Hill Publishing, NY, 2012
- f) Supplementary Readings
Adler & Rodman, Understanding Human Communication, Oxford University Press, NY, 2003.
Adler & Towne, Looking Out, Looking In, Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, NY, 2003.
Hasling, John, Audience Message Speaker, McGraw Hill, MA, 2003.
Osborn & Osborn, Public Speaking, Houghton-Mifflin, NY, 2003.
Cosentino, Joseph, The Perils of Pauline, CD ROM, Prentice Hall Publishing, 1999
- g) Supplies and Required Technology