In the first week of the school year EMERGENCY CARDS will be sent home.
Please take a few moments to fill them out completely. Please make every effort
to include local contacts. We realize that many parents now commute a significant distance
to work. If your child becomes ill or injured at school, it is essential that someone of
your choice nearby is available to see that he/she receives any necessary medical attention.
Also, if your phone numbers or emergency contacts change during the year, please notify
us in writing as soon as possible.
There is a line on the Emergency Card; "In case of an Emergency Dismissal
(NO CALLS WILL BE MADE), I have instructed my child to:" Please take a few
minutes to discuss your personal emergency plan with your child so they know what to do
in this situation. Then write this plan in this space on your child's emergency card so we
can guide them if they have forgotten.