• Can my child ride the bus to a friend's house?

    Students are permitted to ride other buses for emergency reasons only. Transportation is not provided for parties or get-togethers, especially during Halloween. These requests will be denied.

    Bus changes are ONLY allowed if it is a district student going to an existing bus stop.

    1. The guest student must get a note from their parent(s)/guardian(s) that give that student permission to ride a host student’s bus. The note from his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) must state their knowledge that their student(s) is/are going to the guest student’s house.

      A sample note is shown below:

      Guest Student Note:
      DATE ____________
      I (name of parent) give my permission for my (son/daughter) to ride the bus home with (name of student) on (date).
      Parent work number: _________
      Parent home number: _________
      (Signature of Parent)

    2. The host student must submit a note from his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) giving guest student(s) permission to be with their host student. The parent or guardian must acknowledge that they know the guest student(s) is/are coming home with their child.

      A sample note is shown below:

      Host Student Note:
      DATE ____________
      I (name of parent) give my permission for (name of student) to ride the bus home with my (son/daughter), (name of student) on (date).
      Parent work number: _________
      Parent home number: _________
      (Signature of Parent)

    3. The notes must include telephone number(s) where parent(s) can be reached during the day, as changes of buses may need to be verified via telephone contact with the parent.

    4. Student must hand the note to the homeroom teacher to send in with the attendance at the beginning of the school day. A copy of the note, signed by one of the assistant principals or his/her designee, must be picked up at the Greeter (monitor in the main lobby) during the lunch period of the student with a pass from the cafeteria.

    5. They must present the approved pass to the driver when boarding the school bus.