• Arts-in-Education

    The Wappingers Central School District participates in the Dutchess County BOCES Arts-in-Education Program.  It is designed to integrate the arts and education.

    The Wappingers Central School District has allocated money for each building to use to increase their students' exposure to the arts.  Detailed procedures for using the allocations are available by contacting the WCSD Fine & Performing Arts Department at fine.arts@wcsdny.orgor 298-5000, ext. 40121. 

    The following represent program guidelines/standards established by DC BOCES and the WCSD for program participants:

    1. Activities and services pertaining to the arts should be sequential and curriculum related.
    2. Activities should involve multiple contacts between the arts providers, students and teachers (this can be waived if it can be shown that the activity is culminating, or part of a sequence in a unit of study).
    3. The program must include an evaluation as part of the plan.

     Other miscellaneous items:

    1. Schools can contribute to the Arts-in-Education program to increase the building's allocation by donating money to the WCSD for the Arts-in-Education Program.
    2. Each school must verify, by January of the school year, their plans to use the school's allocation for that year and reflect programs that will be funded by other sources.
    3. DC BOCES has published a listing of arts providers that have been approved for the Arts-in-Education Program.  Detailed information is available on-line at http://dcboces.org/artsineducation.  The published listing is a guide which is not meant to be restrictive.
Sumi Nagashi
Sumi Nagashi
Sumi Nagashi