Week 1
Thursday 9/5- Get your Course Outline signed (it's due tomorrow).
Friday 9/6- 1. Get Course Outline signed (if you haven't already).
2. Get supplies by Monday.
3. Honors Class- Get Honors sheet signed.
Week 2
Moday 9/9- 1. Get Course Outline signed (if you haven't already).
2. Get supplies (if you haven't already).
3. Honors Class- Get Honors sheet signed (if you haven't already).
4. Accept invitation into our google classroom (if you haven't already).
Tuesday 9/10- No Homework
Wednesday 9/11- No Homework
Thursday 9/12- 1. Chapter 1 Section1 and 2 Study Guide Sheet due tomorrow.
2. Chapter 1 Test on Thursday, 9/19 (today's lesson in the goggle classroom tells you what to study).
Friday 9/13- Chapter 1 Test on Thursday (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Week 3
Monday 9/16- 1. Sheet- Early Native American Cultures #'s 1-8 due tomorrow.
2. Chapter 1 Test on Friday (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Tuesday 9/17- 1. Culture Areas Take Home Quiz due tomorrow.
2. Chapter 1 Test on Friday (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Wednesday 9/18- Chapter 1 Test on Friday (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Thursday 9/19- Chapter 1 Test tomorrow- Study (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Friday 9/20- No Homework
Week 4
Monday 9/23- Iroquois Quiz on Friday (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to start studying).
Tuesday 9/24- Iroquois Quiz on Friday (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Wednesday 9/25- Iroquois Quiz on Friday (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Thursday 9/26- Iroquois Quiz tomorrow- Study! Today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study.
Friday 9/27- No Homework
Week 5
Monday 9/30- Label Map of the World (map is due tomorrow).
Tuesday 10/1- No Homework
Wednesday 10/2- New York State Maps due on Friday (Landforms and Waterways).
Friday 10/4- No Homework
Week 6
Monday 10/7- No Homework
Tuesday 10/8- No Homework
Wednesday 10/9- 1. Chapter 2 Section 1 and 2 Study Guide Sheet due tomorrow.
2. Quiz on Monday (10/21) on Spanish, French, and Dutch Empires (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to start to study).
Thursday 10/10- 1. Chapter 2 Section 3 and 4 Study Guide Sheet due tomorrow.
2. Quiz on Monday (10/21) on Spanish, French, and Dutch Empires (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to start to study).
Friday 10/11- Quiz on Monday (10/21) on Spanish, French, and Dutch Empires (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to start studying).
Week 7
Tuesday 10/15- Quiz on Monday on the Spanish, French, and Dutch Empires (last Friday's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Wednesday 10/16- 1. Quiz on Monday on the Spanish, French, and Dutch Empires (last Friday's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
2. Storyboard Project due on Wednesday, 10/23.
Thursday 10/17- 1. Quiz on Monday on the Spanish, French, and Dutch Empires (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
2. Storyboard Project due on Wednesday (you will either print it at home or in the library).
Week 8
Monday 10/21- 1. Finish French and Dutch Sheet (it is due tomorrow).
2. Storyboard Project due on Wednesday (you will either print it at home or in the library).
Tuesday 10/22- Storyboard Project due tomorrow (you will either print it at home or in the library).
Wednesday 10/23- No Homework
Thursday 10/24- No Homework
Friday 10/25- No Homework
Week 9
Monday 10/28- Finish answering Mayflower Compact questions 1-11. This assignment is due tomorrow.
Tuesday 10/29- No Homework
Friday 11/1- 1. Sheet- The Plymouth Colony #'s 1-5 due on Monday (answers should be written on a loose leaf piece of paper and in complete sentences).
Week 10
Monday 11/4- 1. Sheet- Puritans in Massachusetts Bay #'s 1-5 due on Wednesday (answers should be written on a loose leaf piece of paper and in complete sentences).
2. New England Colonies Test on Wednesday, 11/13.
3. Work on the Review Sheet.
Wednesday 11/6- 1. New England Colonies Test on Wednesday, 11/13.
2. Work on the Review Sheet.
Thursday 11/7- 1. New England Colonies Test on Wednesday.
2. Work on the Review Sheet.
3. Sheet- New Colonies #'s 1-6 due tomorrow (you can write the answers on the sheet).
Friday 11/8- 1. New England Colonies Test on Wednesday.
2. Work on the Review Sheet.
Week 11
Tuesday 11/12- 1. New England Colonies Test tomorrow- Study!
2. Study your Review Sheet.
Wednesday 11/13- No Homework
Thursday 11/14- 1. Middle Colonies Test on Wednesday.
2. Work on the Review Sheet.
Friday 11/15- 1. Middle Colonies Test on Wednesday.
2. Work on the Review Sheet.
Week 12
Monday 11/18- 1. Middle Colonies Test on Wednesday.
2. Work on the Review Sheet.
3. Middle Colonies Sheet #'s 13-19 due tomorrow.
Tuesday 11/19- 1. Middle Colonies Test tomorrow- Study!
2. Study your Review Sheet.
Wednesday 11/20- No Homework
Thursday 11/21- 1. Chapter 3 Section 1 Study Guide Sheet due tomorrow.
2. Clean out your binder (today's lesson in the google classroom reminds you how to clean out your binder).
Friday 11/22- No Homework
Week 13
Monday 11/25- Southern Colonies Take Home Quiz due tomorrow.
Tuesday 11/26- No Homework
Week 14
Monday 12/2- No Homework
Tuesday 12/3- No Homework
Wednesday 12/4- No Homework
Thursday 12/5- No Homework
Friday 12/6- No Homework
Week 15
Monday 12/9- No Homework
Tuesday 12/10- No Homework
Wednesday 12/11- Events To Revolution Sheet due tomorrow.
Thursday 12/12- Quiz Thursday (12/19) on the Causes of the American Revolution (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to start to study).
Week 16
Monday 12/16- Quiz Thursday on the Causes of the American Revolution (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Tuesday 12/17- Quiz Thursday on the Causes of the American Revolution (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Wednesday 12/18- Study for tomorrow's Quiz on the Causes of the American Revolution (today's lesson in the google classroom tells you what to study).
Thursday 12/19- No Homework