• Arrival

    If you are transporting your child to school, please bring him/her to the main lobby until the busses have unloaded. At this time your child may walk to their classroom independently or the front desk can call for their assigned teacher’s aide depending on the students level of ability. 

    Late transports by parents (after 9:00 a.m.) must be signed in at the office. 

    • Dismissal

    If you are transporting your child home please make sure to send a note to school every day that you are picking up. Please place the note in your child’s folder. Remind your child to tell the teacher he/she has a note. 

    When you pick up your child at school, it is necessary to sign him/her out of the building. You will need your I.D. every time you want to enter the building. Please wait in the main lobby and your child will come down to the waiting area. 

    Afternoon dismissal is at 3:30 p.m.

    • Communication

    Your questions and concerns are very important to me. Notes are the best way of communication. If you need to discuss something, please call between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m and I will respond as soon as I can. My email address is paul.mattes@wcsdny.org

    I will also be implementing, within the next few weeks, a checklist for each child to help parents facilitate conversation about their child’s day. 

    •   Buses

    *****Reminder: If the bus is stopped in front of the school with their red flashing lists on, please do not pass. This means children are near. *****

    If your child is going home on another bus there must be a note for the teacher and the bus driver. 

    If your child leaves something on the bus, the driver will keep it until the next day or it will be brought back to school. 

    •   Illness

    Please be advised that no medication is allowed in school unless it is brought into the nurse with a doctors note. This includes, cough drops, aspirin and prescriptions. 

    If your child has a fever above 100, he/she should stay home for at least 24 hours. If they are sent into school sick, the child will be sent to the nurses office and you will be called. 

    Please make sure the nurse has proper emergency numbers in the event your child gets sick during the school day. 

    •  Absences

    When your child is absent for whatever reason, please send a note stating the date and the reason for the absence. 

    •   6 Day Cycle Schedule

    We rotate on a 6 day schedule. Day 1 Library K/P.E., Day 2 Music/Computer Lab, Day 3 Library 1st/Art, Day 4 Speech Group/ P.E., Day 5 Music, Day 6 OT Group/Art

    •   Snack

    In room 4, we have one small healthy snack and a small drink every day. For example: cheese and crackers, granola bar, carrot sticks, bananas, apple slices. Please do not send in sweets, glass bottles, soda or candy. 

    •   Birthdays

    Birthday treats are encouraged in the classroom. Please let your teacher know one day before so that we can plan accordingly. Keep it simple with cookies, brownies, munchkins, or cupcakes. 

    *******No Nuts Allowed******

    • Book Bags

    Please make sure the book bags come to school everyday. Important mail, schoolwork and notes will be kept in a folder within their book bag. Please check each night and remove old papers. 

    Remember to keep their tags with their names address and bus routs on their bags. Please label their book bag and any other items such as coats, sweaters, sweatshirts, boots, gloves, hats, etc.

    •   Show and Tell

    Show and Tell will be on Fridays. Please remind your child that there are no pretend guns, knives, action figures, or anything to do with violence allowed in the school. 

    Toys should stay at home, unless it is Show and Tell day. 

    •  Homework

    Homework will be given Monday through Thursday and is expected in the next morning. If there is some reason the homework was not completed (car broke down, family emergency, dog ate it…  :) please let me know. You can check my teacher webpage for all assignments and special activities. Students who have homework in every day for the week will receive a small prize on Friday. In addition I strongly encourage you to read with your child for 20 minutes every night in addition to the homework. Please work in only pencil for all writing and please have children illustrate their drawings with colored pencils or crayon. 

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