
    POV Nurse




    1. Register Student

    Complete registration will include:

    A. A valid physical exam and prescription medications uploaded. 

    *These documents must be dated within the year (i.e.  11/1/2023 will be valid for

    sports starting 11/2024). A physical or medication dated 10/2023 will not be

    accepted.) Physical Exams must be on the required NYS Physical exam form.

    *If prescription medications are no longer needed or a chronic condition has 

    resolved (i.e. Asthma) than a discontinue note from the provider should be 

    uploaded or on file. 

    B. 30 day Health History questions completed. 

    *please note “yes” answers will be flagged and may require further investigation 

    and documentation

    - Possible Cardiac Clearance 

    . - Recent injury or surgery clearance if applicable (concussion, fractures etc.)

    - Possible Covid clearance note if required


    1. Registered Nurse to review Family ID application and documentation

    A. “Approval status” will then change to NO STATUS, APPROVED or NOT APPROVED. 

    *NO STATUS or NOT APPROVED -please check the “Notes to Registrant”  

    section for detailed communication/instruction from the nurse. “Approval status” 

    could change to NOT APPROVED or remain NO STATUS depending on the 

    required information and if the school doctor needs to review

    -School doctor may need to review the application remotely for final approval


    1. Approved 

    A.  Smile and Enjoy the Sports Season!

    *For practices, schedules, try-outs, and mixed competition information: please 

    contact the coach or athletic department


    Do’s and Don’ts 


    DO regularly check Family ID registration for status updates and final APPROVED status

    DO refer to the “Notes to Registrant” section for updates or requests from health office 

    DO understand that the Health office reviews  hundreds of registrations each season while managing the health needs of students on site


    DON’T confuse “registration status” COMPLETED with “approval status” APPROVED

    DON’T rely on email notifications from Family ID; be proactive and logon to Family ID


    Important Forms

    Concussion FAQ Clearance

    Family ID Tips PDF

    Seizure Action Plan and Release

    Self Carry Release Form

    Diabetes Medication Order and Release

    Medication Order form

    Injury Form

    NYS Blank Physical Exam Form

    For athletic placement packets and any other athletic / FamilyID/Arbiter questions or concerns, please contact the Athletic Department or visit the webpage (WCSD Athletics).

    NYSED Guidelines for concussion Management