(J141- no prerequisite/.25 credit/10 weeks)

    Ms. Gehlert

    Course Syllabus                                                                                                        


    WJHS Mission Statement: “To provide a safe, varied, and supportive learning environment by establishing partnerships with school, home and community in order to encourage all students to succeed, work to their highest potential, have good attendance, respect, responsibility and a positive attitude.”


    7th grade Health is the study of life skills that allows students to succeed in school and in the community by promoting their personal health and development.


    Note: This course is State mandated.


    Teacher Information:


    Name:     Tammy Gehlert                                 

    Emails:      tammy.gehlert@wcsdny.org              

    Phone #:   845-298-5200

    Website:    https://www.wappingersschools.org  AND visit Google Classroom  




            -Mental Health                         -Communicable disease: HIV/AIDS                                 

            -Social/Communication Skills               -Non-communicable Diseases

            -Alcohol, Nicotine and Substance Abuse            -Nutrition

            -Lifestyle Behaviors that Impact Health               -Anti-Violence Education

            -Environmental Health                                         -Health and Safety                                                                          


    Textbook: (2007). TEEN HEALTH (Course 3): Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.

    Resources: Internet


    Classroom Rules:



    1. Students will act in a responsible manner and abide by the rules outlined in the student code of conduct. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating are not acceptable.


    1. Students will be trustworthy and respectful of their family, teacher and peers.


    1. Students will not repeat or share information from this class, that would not be appropriate in a typical classroom setting.  Students will show care and be respectful of others when expressing their opinions.

    1. Students will be respectful of their peers and teachers by listening attentively when others are speaking and participate appropriately in any class forum.


    1. Students will exhibit good citizenship. 



    1. Students are expected to complete assignments/projects on time. 

    Students who need extended time need to contact me.

    Failure to turn in an assignment, regardless of the reason, or  failure to put your name on an assignment, will result in a zero for that assignment.

    Work that has been turned in on Google Classroom twice, yet it is not attempted, will be an automatic zero and ineligible for make-up.

    Work that has been turned in on Google Classroom three times, yet it is not completed or corrections have not been made, will be graded as submitted and be ineligible for further grade improvement.

    All late work must be in by the first day of the last week of the quarter or date as posted in class and on Google Classroom. 

    If there is any issue with the assignments, please contact me.


    1. Students are expected to come to class prepared (including a charged chromebook), participate in class activities, read materials, and complete online assignments in a timely manner. If there is an issue, please contact me.


    1. Parents should verify/update their emails with the school system. Please contact me via email and email will be by primary form of contact with parents and students outside of class. 




    Concept Assessments (20%)        

    Classwork Assignments (80%)

     Students who are absent are expected to make up work on their own after completing the lessons (reading notes/watching the video) for that topic. See the curriculum calendar.