• Medications



    Medications at School


    New York State law as well as local regulations strictly outline the rules schools must follow concerning medication administered in school. The overall guidelines are that such dispensing of medication must be kept to a minimum. Therefore, it is administered only when necessary to be given during school hours.


    We are required to follow these regulations:

    1.  Medications MUST be brought to school by parents or guardians, NOT to be sent to school with the child.

    2.  The nurse should administer medication only as necessary.

    3.  Instructions for administering medication must be in writing from the physician and include:

             a.  The name of the student

             b.  Medical condition of the child

             c.  The name of the medication

             d.  The dosage and time

             e.  A list of possible side effects

    4.  A parent permission form must be signed by parents/guardian in order to give them the medication.

    5.  A new prescription and physician's order is required at the beginning of each school year.

    6.  All unused medication must be picked up at the end of the school year, or will be discarded.

    7.  If, at any time, the physician wishes to change the dosage, she/he must submit this request in writing.