• Course Description:

    Multisensory Reading This course is designed to improve decoding and encoding skills with a focus in using a variety of multisensory skills and taught with a concentration on vocabulary, spelling and fluency.


    Students should have the following items:

    pens, loose leaf paper, index cards, highlighters

      Expectations: (Virtual Learning)

    It is expected that students will:

    ~Log on to each class, using the Google Meet link found in Google Classroom on time. Period 2- 8:35 

    ~Be present for the entire class.  Attendance will be taken at the beginning and end of each class.

    ~Use your best effort. Even if you don't know the answer, you need to try.  We will all make mistakes, that's how we learn!


    Link to Google Classroom:

     You will use the link in the Google Classroom header to join the live class session.


    Grading Policy:

    Letter/Effort grades will be calculated for this class and shared through progress and/or grade reports every 5 weeks.




    Contact Information:

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me anytime.

     Email- mary.pappas@wcsdny.org


     Please see me  or email me to schedule a day and time if you are having trouble with a concept.