

Degrees and Certifications:


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Reading: Read for 20 mins Monday- Thursday. Fill out the reading log and return to school each day.

Math: Worksheet.  The math worksheet will be review of the lesson learned, or fluency. If the studnets have a topic quiz or test, they will have a review sheet to finish and/or study.


Monday, write the words three times each.

Tuesday, write the words 1-10 in a sentence.

Wednesday, write the words 11-20 in a sentence.

Thursday, study using the Look, say, spell method.  


Homework Policy:

Homework is expected to be done and handed in by the next school morning or on the due date.  Homework is assigned to help further practice skills that are learned in school. No homework will be assigned on Fridays. If homework is not handed in on the due date, students will make up the homework during recess.