

Degrees and Certifications:

Course Syllabus

Ms. Kearney’s

Course Syllabus


Room 12


  1. Course Description

           Please note that this is a self-contained class, and our curriculum is modified. We will cover a combination of the fifth and sixth grade curriculum.   Students will participate in whole class lessons for Science and Social Studies.  Students will be taught Reading, Writing, and Math through mini lessons and small group instruction.  We will cover grade level standards as well as their IEP goals.  All our curriculum will be introduced at a pace that is appropriate for the students in this class.  


  1. Curriculum

          We will use a combination of resources for each subject.  This includes textbooks, workbooks, websites, and hands on manipulatives.  


  • Reading:  We will follow a Reading Workshop Model based on Lucy Caulkins’ Units of Study for Teaching Reading.  We will have a group mini lesson to cover grade level topics, followed by small group instruction based on the students’ current reading level.  (Current reading levels will be determined based on the Fountas and Pinnell assessment). Strategy groups will be utilized to target specific skills. 


  • ELA/Writing:  We will follow a Writing Workshop model based on Lucy Calkins Units of Study in Opinion, Information, and Narrative Writing.  For vocabulary and spelling we will be following Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Journeys Guided Word Study.  For grammar, students will be working from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Write Source Skills  book.  Our program will be supplemented with the Writing Skills by Diana Hanbury King.


  • Math: We will be using the i-Ready Program.


Math Grade 5 

Unit 1

Lesson 1: Understanding Volume 

Lesson 2: Find Volume Using Unit Cubes

Lesson 3: Find Volume Using Formulas

Lesson 4: Multiplying Multi-Digit Numbers

Lesson 5: Divide Multi-Digit Numbers

Unit 2

Lesson 6: Understanding Decimal Place Value

Lesson 7: Understand Powers of 10

Lesson 8: Read and Write Decimals

Lesson 9: Compare and Round Decimals

Lesson 10: Add Decimals

Lesson 11: Subtract Decimals

Lesson 12: Add Fractions

Lesson 13: Subtract in Word Problems

Lesson 14: Add and Subtract in Word Problems

Unit 3

Lesson 15: Multiply a Decimal by a Whole Number

Lesson 16: Divide Decimals

Lesson 17: Divide Decimals

Lesson 18: Fractions as Division

Lesson 19: Understand Multiplication by a Fraction

Lesson 20: Multiply Fractions to Find Area

Lesson 21:Understanding Multiplication as Scaling

Lesson 22: Multiplying Fractions in Word Problems

Lesson 23: Understanding Division with Unit Fractions

Lesson 24: Divide Unit Fractions in Word Problems

Unit 4

Lesson 25 Convert Measurement Units

Lesson 26; Solve WOrld Problems Involving Conversions

Lesson 27: Make Line Plot and Interpret Date

Lesson 28: Understanding Categories of two-dimensional Figures

Lesson 29: Classify Two-Dimensional Figures

Unit 5

Lesson 30: Evaluate< Write, and Interpret Expressions

Lesson 31: Understanding the Coordinate Plane

Lesson 32: Represent Problems in the Coordinate Plane

Lesson 33: Analyze Patterns and Relationships


 Math Grade 6

Unit 1

Lesson 1: Find the Area of a Parallelogram 

Lesson 2: Find the Area of Triangles and Other Polygons

Lesson 3: Use Nerts to Find Surface Area

Lesson4: Wor with Algebraic Expressions

Lesson5: Write and Evaluate Expressions with Exponents

Lesson 6: Find Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple

Unit 2

Lesson7 Add, Subtract and Multiply Multi-Digit Decimals

Lesson8: Divide Whole Number and Multi-Digit Decimals

Lesson9: Understanding Division with Fractions

Lesson10: Divide Fractions

Lesson 11: Solve Volume Problems with Fractions

Unit 3

Lesson 12: Understand Ratio Concepts

Lesson13: Find Equivalent Ratios

Lesson 14: Use Part-to-Part and Part-to Whole Ratios

Unit 4

Lesson15: Understand Rate Concepts

Lesson 16: Use Units to Solver Problems

Lesson17: Understand Percents

Lesson 18: Use percents to Solve Problems

Unit 5

Lesson19: Write and Identify Equivalent Expressions

Lesson 20: Understand Solutions of Equations

Lesson21: Write and Solve One-Variable Equations

Lesson 22:  Analyze Two- Variable Equations

Unit 6

Lesson 23: Understand Positive and Negative Numbers

Lesson 24: Order Positive and Negative numbers

Lesson 25: Understand absolute Value

Lesson 26: Write and Graph One -Variable Inequalities

Lesson27: Understand the Four Quadrant Coordinate Plane

Lesson 28: Solve Problems in the Coordinate Plane

Unit 7

Lesson 29: Understand Statistical Questions and Data Distributions

 Lesson 30: use plot and Histograms to Describe Date Distributions

Lesson 31: Interpret Median and Interquartile Range in Box Plots

Lesson 32: Interpret Mean and Mean Absolute Deviation

Lesson 33: usee Measures of Center and Variability to Summarize Data



  • Science: 

Unit 1 Space Systems: Stars and the Solar System

Unit 2 Structure and Properties of Matter

Unit 3 Earth's Systems

Unit 4 Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems


  • Social Studies:  We will be following the district’s Integrated Social Studies and ELA program which was created by Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES.    You can learn more about this program on the W.C.S.D. website.  

Unit 1 - The Neolithic Revolution

Unit 2 - River Valley Civilizations

Unit 3 - Classical Civilizations

Unit 4 - Comparative World Religions

Unit 5 - The Mediterrean World

Unit 6 - Interactions Across the Eastern Hemisphere

Academic Assessment Tools: The academic assessments that will be used this year are Fountas and Pinnell Benchmarks, I-Ready, Math units Tests, Writing and Reading Benchmarks. 

  1. Classroom Expectations and Procedures

           Students have spent the first few days of school learning the classroom rules, routines, and procedures.  Our classroom rules follow our school-wide P.B.I.S. (Positive Behavior Intervention Services) program.  We will continue to revisit these topics throughout the year in order to keep our classroom running smoothly.

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Safe

           The students have examined in depth what each of the rules mean, what it looks like to be following the rules, and what it looks like to not be following them.  


  • Classroom Behavioral System:   Students have an individual behavior clip on the behavior chart.  These are color coded to visually help students track their own behavior throughout the day. Students always start on green, “Ready To Learn” and will be moved up, or down based on their classroom behavior. If a student was moved down, they always have an opportunity to move their clips back up. At the end of each day, if the students are on Great Job, Good Choices or Outstanding they will get a star for the day. Once the student gets five stars, they are able to pick a prize from the prize box.  Student’s clips are moved back to green, “Ready to Learn” so they are ready to start tomorrow off as a good day!  Students will track their behavior on a monthly behavior sheet.  This sheet is to be signed daily and returned to school. If the behavior chart is not signed and returned, the students will not receive their star. 

Blue~ Outstanding!!!

Purple~ Great Job!!

Pink ~Good Choices!

Green~ Ready to Learn

Yellow~ Think About it

Orange~ Warning!

Red~ Consequence 


~Consequences will be between the student and the teacher. (Phone call, time off recess, principal’s office)

    4.  Activities/Projects Unique to this Class

Students who signed up last year will be participating in Orchestra or Band.  Students will be given the choice this year to join the combined 5th & 6th grade Chorus.  The students are also welcome to join any of Oak Grove’s clubs.  Please keep an eye out for sign ups in your child’s take home folder.     

Each grade level also has activities unique to their program.  Students will participate in all grade level activities that scheduling and IEP accommodations permits.  

      5.  Grading Procedures

Students will be graded based on a variety of formal and informal assessments and observations.  Students will be assessed in reading using Fountas and Pinnell.  Students' writing will be graded based on rubrics.  In other subject areas, they will have quizzes and unit tests. Students will be given advance notice for unit tests.  Daily work will also be factored into their grades depending on how much support they received.

Some work in our class will be completed together as a group, some students will need more support at certain times on assignments, and some work will be completed independently to the best of your child’s ability.  

Report card grades will reflect each student’s ability to meet their respective grade level standards with their program modifications and testing accommodations as stated in their I.E.P.   

The following scale will be used for grading students in each subject area. 


Level 4: 95 and above (Meets State Standards with Distinction)

Level 3: 80-94 (Meets State Standards)

Level 2: 70-79 (Approaching State Standards)

Level 1: 69 and below (Does Not Meet State Standards) 


6.  Homework Policy

Homework is to be completed the night it is assigned and brought to school the next day. If homework is not tuned in on time, students will complete their homework during the first half of recess. 


Nightly Homework (Monday-Thursday):


Reading: Monday- Thursday, read for 20 mins and complete the  Jot.

Math: Worksheet.  The math worksheet will be a review of the lesson learned, or fluency. 


Monday, write the words three times each.

Tuesday, write the words 1-10 in a sentence.

Wednesday, write the words 11-20 in a sentence.

Thursday, study using the Look, say, spell method. 


  Students will also occasionally receive Writing, Science, and Social Studies homework.  Please check your child’s agenda/red folder nightly (as it is subject to change).  Use your best judgment to determine the level of help your child needs to complete their homework and learn from it.  If your child can complete their homework independently, then please go over the directions with them before they begin and check their work when they are finished. Also, please check your child’s  Red Take Home Folder nightly for any other important papers that will be sent home.

*** Homework is a review of the concepts taught for the day. If you find that your child is struggling, please jot me a note and I will happily sit with him/her one-on-one to reinforce the concept.


  7.  Teacher Contact Information

                  Please feel free to contact me.  The best ways to contact me are to write a note and put it  in your child’s red folder,  send me an e-mail, or a message on the remind app.  Please note that if you send me an e-mail or remind message that I am not always able to check my email during school hours.  

Phone:  298-5280 (Oak Grove)




8. Late arrival, early dismissal and Absences 

Late arriva- Students are considered tardy after 8:35. Students will need to go to the main office and get a tardy pass. 

Early Dismissal- If a student needs to be picked up early, please provide me with a note with the reason for the early dismissal, your child’s name, classroom teacher’s name and ID number. 

Absences- If your student is absent, please provide a note with the reason for the absence, the child’s name, classroom teacher and ID number.  When students return to school, they will get an absent sheet with all the work they missed while absent.  Students are responsible for all missed work when they are absent.  Students that are absent,  get the number of days they were absent to finish the missed work.  Example, if a student is absent one day, they get one day to finish the work. If the students are absent for two days, they get two days to finish the work. 


9. Birthday Celebrations

We would love to celebrate your child’s birthday in school!  Please send me an email or note stating when you would like to send in a birthday treat.  We have 15 students in the class, please make sure you send in enough for everyone :) 


10. Working Snack  

(Students will be permitted to have one snack during the day while they are working.  It is their responsibility to be active and focused learners while they have their “working snack.”  Please send your child to school with a healthy snack and water or water 

bottle to be filled at the fountain each day.)


**Please put your child’s snack in a zip lock bag, with their name on it. 


11. Schedule: 

Please see attached daily schedule.

All students mainstream for special area classes.  Please see the attached list for what specials your child has on each day.



Mrs. Roe- Mrs. Perry






Day 1 PE

Day 2 Art

Day 3 Music

Day 4 PE

Day 5 Art

Day 6 Library


Mr. Lander- Mrs. Rogers






Day 1 Art

Day 2 Music

Day 3 PE

Day 4 Art

Day 5 Library

Day 6 PE


Ms. McCabe- Mrs. O’Niell







Day 1 Library

Day 2 PE

Day 3 Art

Day 4 Music

Day 5 PE

Day 6 Art