Special Education

  • Before making a referral to the special education department, please contact your child's classroom teacher or the School Psychologist for important information.

    Click below for a basic guide to special education:

    Basic Guide to Special Education 

    After your child is determined eligible for services, he or she will have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) on file. Please visit the website below which contains 5 great videos for parents. The videos go over the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and everything related to IEPs

    Chapter 1: IDEA and IEPs

    Chapter 2: The IEP Team

    Chapter 3: The IEP Team Process

    Chapter 4: Getting read for the IEP Meeting

    Chapter 5: The IEP Meeting

    Click Below!

    IDEA & IEP Information / Videos

504 Plans

  • Please contact your child's classroom teacher, the School Psychologist, or Principal for more information regarding 504 Plans.

    A 504 plan is another way to protect children with disabilities in public schools in regard to their education. Please go to the informative link below for some general information regarding Section 504.

    Click Here for 504 Information

Picture from http://www.doe.in.gov/specialed