• christmas

    December Announcements

    Monday, December 16th: Wear plaid/flannel. Mystery Reader Day!

    Tuesday, December 17th: Wear blue/white. Craft Day

    Wednesday, December 18th: Wear a hat, headband or topper. Tree-t Day

    Thursday, December 19th: Holiday Character/Red & Green Day. Game Day

    Friday, December 20th: Holiday Sweater Day. Milk/Cookies (no parents please)

    Monday, December 23rd - January 1st - Winter Recess - No School! (Reading Challenge)

    Thursday, January 2nd Classes Resume







    Below is the link to Clever.
    Clever is the platform that WCSD uses to provide out students with one central place to find various online resources (including Google Classroom) with one sign on. 
    Students use their WCSD Google Email account to sign-on to Clever.
    EMAIL: firstname.lastname@k12.wcsdny.org
    PASSWORD: Firstnamelunchnumber (your child's lunch number is their ID number. Email me if you don't have it.
     ****Make sure the First letter of the first name in the password is CAPITALIZED. NO other letters should be capitalized. 
    Setting up student accounts for successful remote learning tutorial: