Reading Strategies
* How to help your child become a fluent reader~
~ Read to your with your child. (Read, Read, Read...)
~ Make reading fun. Enjoy reading.
~ Model reading. Read with enthusiasm and expression. Change your voice
when reading for different characters.
~ Make reading a regular and fun part of your life.
~ Fill your child's life with books. Children who love books will want to read.
~ Listen to your child read often, share the text with them. Alternate
reading turns.
~ When your child comes to an unknown word, give them time to think to look
at the word and attempt it on their own. If they need help, suggest some
strategies they can use to figure out the word. Work with them to figure
out the word together.
*Reading Strategies to Use With Your Child~
~ Look for word chunks
~ Say the beginning sound
~ Stretch the word out
~ Check for meaning: Does that make sense?
~ Skip the word and read to the end of the sentence...then reread
~ Do the sounds fit the letters?
~ Use picture clues
*Comprehension Strategies~
~ Activate Schema: think about the things you know and have experienced
that relate to what you are reading.
~ Predict: thinking about what you think might happen.
~ Picture Walks: flip through the pages and look at the pictures.
~ Use picture clues to confirm information.
~ Question: What did you learn? What do you wonder about?
~ Make Connections: this reminds me of...
~ Infer: thinking that helps you understand the story; based on the clues
that the author gives.
~ Draw Conclusions: using information to get meaning; based on the clues the author gives.
*Here are a list of sight words your child will be learning this year~
~ Sight Words are words that a reader should know immediately without sounding them out.
I a is my see the and can to like am in you no so go we do are his here has as was come he she we be me said they or for of have from that by look went want
~ Color Words: red green yellow orange blue purple pink black brown white gray
~ Number Words: zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten