• School Year 2024-2025

     Ms. Siebert-Mathematics                                                          Class Expectations 

    ·       Class will start with a Warm-up or Do Now problem that you should get started on as soon as you come in to class.  While you are working on that problem, I will check or collect your homework. 

    ·       It is important that you attend class on time and regularly.   When you are absent, you are responsible for work missed and must make up all missed homework.  You should find a friend or partner in class that will lend you their notes to copy.   If you need help finding a person to help you out, please let me knowI am not responsible for the notes you miss, you are.  Please be responsible for your class notes.

    ·       Homework will be assigned almost every night.  You should attempt to do all the problems assigned.  Before doing the assignment, you should review the material covered in class.  You should try redoing the sample and compare what you did with what was done in class.  You can also use sample exercises to review.   Assignments will be posted in Google classroom for the particular class. 

    ·       Homework is meant to help you remember what was learned.  If you cannot do a particular problem you must copy that problem down and any needed diagrams so that you may ask about it in class the following day.  There are no late homework’s accepted.  If you are absent, you should show me your pass and have the homework from the last day you were here.

    ·       Excused absences do not make your homework late, but they also don’t excuse homework from when you were last in class.  Consistent homework will not only make studying for tests easier, but also will improve your grade because you will learn more and forget less each day.

    Homework Assignements will be posted for the most part on our Google classroom page to reinforce the assignment that was made in class.  


    ·       Good Notebooks are vital to your success.  Your notes will be essential to you in your study and in your assignments.  If you don’t take notes you will possibly miss material and it will be difficult to assist you if a problem arises.  Notebooks will be occasionally graded.

    Materials for Class

    ·       A spiral notebook, a three ring binder and/or a graph paper notebook is acceptable for a notebook.  This notebook, a folder, writing tool, completed homework and a calculator are what you need in class every day.  You will sometimes need this calculator for both class work and homework.

    ·      Homework is to be done in a notebook that is kept in numerical/chronological order.  This will greatly assist you when studying for an assessment.

    Grading Policy

    ·       Your grade will be achieved by adding up all of the points you earn from homework, planned and unannounced quizzes, tests and class effort/participation and then will be divided by the total possible points and multiplied by 100.

    ·       In your notebook:  Each day must start on a new page, one section or notebook must be just for math.  Notes in other places will not count toward your math notebook.

    For example, you receive:

                5/5 on a quiz

                8/10 on an entrance/exit assignment

                81/100 on a test

                16/20 on homework

                20/25 for class participation

    Your grade is then (5+8+81+16+20)/160*100 or .8125 or 81%

    *****Helpful Hints*****

    ·       Always give every task your best effort.

    ·       Cooperate with other people in the class.

    ·       Raise your hand if you have something to say or need help.

    ·       Keep your notes and notebook up to date.  Make sure you keep up even if absent.  Find a friend to help you. 

    ·       Success in math class is closely tied to regular attendance, attention to class work and homework, class participation, consistent effort and asking for extra help when needed.

      Parents please cemail me with any questions or just to check in. 

    Summary – For each class you need:

    1.   Note book for class notes – kept in chronological order

    2.   Notebook for homework

    3.   Writing utensil

    4.   Calculator- TI 84/84+ or 84CE, or any of the 84 family is the best calculator for this class.