• WCSD Library Policy

    WCSD Library Policy
    The Board of Education recognizes that a school library is an essential and
    integral part of the school system, and shall strive to provide adequate
    facilities, resources, and personnel for all elementary and secondary
    students in the public schools of the district.
    The legal responsibility for the school library rests with the Board, but
    the administration and the Board entrust the responsibility of selection,
    organization and maintenance of library materials to the school librarians.
    In the organization of such services, the teaching program and the resources
    of the school library, as well as in the selection of library personnel, the
    Board will use the standards suggested for school libraries by the New York
    State Libraries Association.
    The school libraries are to be restricted to the use of district students
    and school personnel.
    The Board of Education, as the governing body of the school district, is
    legally responsible for the selection of library materials, including the
    selection and approval of printed and non-printed materials for its use.
    Since the Board is primarily a policy-making body, it delegates to the
    following professional personnel of the district the authority for the
    selection of materials: teachers, Principals, librarians, etc., under the
    leadership of the Superintendent of Schools.
    In order to provide the Superintendent and his/her staff with guidance in
    the acquisition of instructional resource material, such as library books,
    references, audiovisuals, maps, etc., the Board endorses the guidelines
    approved by the American Library Association that such resources:
    1. provide materials that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking
    into consideration the varied interests, abilities, and maturity levels of
    the students served;
    2. provide materials that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge,
    literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards;
    3. provide information that will enable students to make intelligent
    judgments in their daily lives;
    4. provide materials on opposing sides of controversial issues so that young
    citizens may develop under guidance the practice of critical reading and
    5. provide materials representative of the many religious, ethnic, and
    cultural groups and their contributions to our American heritage; and
    6. place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the
    selection of materials of the highest quality in order to assure a
    comprehensive collection appropriate for the users of the library.
    The Superintendent shall be responsible for the selection of resource
    materials within the aforesaid guidelines and for the determination of
    factual accuracy, readability, authoritativeness, integrity and quality of
    format. To assist in the selection process, reputable, unbiased
    professionally prepared aids (such as the Horn Book, School Library Journal,
    etc.) shall be consulted as guides.
    In order to respond to any complaints about, or challenges to, the selection
    of library materials, the district has adopted regulations (1420-R,
    Complaints About Curricula or Instructional Materials Regulation)
    establishing a complaint procedure and providing for a committee to review
    such complaints or challenges.
    If any person wishes to permanently remove materials from a school district
    library, he/she must seek the formal approval of the Board. The Board may
    determine that such materials should be removed. Such determination must not
    be based upon official suppression of ideas, but rather upon the educational
    suitability of the materials in question. Only the Board and/or the
    Superintendent may authorize said permanent removal of instructional
    materials, pursuant to the decision of the Board.
    This district supports the following recommendations of the American Library
    1. As a responsibility of library service, books and other library materials
    should be chosen for values of interest, information, and enlightenment of
    all people of the community. In no case should library materials be excluded
    because of the race, gender, nationality or the social, political or
    religious views of the authors.
    2. Libraries should provide books and other materials presenting all points
    of view concerning the problems and issues of our times; no library
    materials should be proscribed or removed from libraries because of partisan
    or doctrinal disapproval.
    3. Censorship should be challenged by libraries in the maintenance of their
    responsibility to provide public information and enlightenment.
    4. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with
    resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
    Each library in the district will be open for students and staff use on
    school days during normal school hours. Use after school hours and during
    vacations will be determined by the librarian and administrator directly
    An open admissions policy shall be followed at all levels, curtailed only by
    seating capacity.
    Fines and Lost Materials
    Any user of materials will be expected to pay for lost items and excessive
    damage with the provision that a refund will be made if the items are later
    found. A system of fair and equitable fines will be used.
    All materials will circulate for various lengths of time depending on their
    nature and demand.
    -- Wappingers Central School District Board of Education


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