Dear Second Grade Families,


              Good afternoon! Once again we hope you are well and that you were able to find fun ways together to enjoy your “Spring Break” last week. It has made us so happy to receive messages from our parents and students. Thank you for reaching out to us and for logging onto Google Classroom.

              As we plan for the start of Distance Learning on Friday, we thought it would be fun for the students to take a few moments tomorrow (Thursday) to complete a quick Check-in Activity on Google Classroom. Feel free to log onto Google Classroom at a time that works best for you on Thursday. Then, on Friday, you can expect to see assignments posted in the form of a slideshow. Each slide will consist of a different content area. These assignments will remain the same through Tuesday and a new slideshow of assignments will be posted on Wednesday for the remainder of the week. Please keep in mind that the main objective of our assignments and activities next week is to get everyone accustomed to navigating Google Classroom, the slides, and the websites/activities. This is new for all of us and we look forward to your feedback. 

              In addition to providing instruction and classwork, we will be holding Office Hours every morning from 10:00-11:00. We will be available during that time to answer questions or concerns, via e-mail, that you may be experiencing. The link below was created by the district to assist parents and caregivers. Thank you again in advance for your support and patience as we work together to meet your child’s and family’s needs.     https://sites.google.com/wcsdny.org/parent-resource-website/home

    *Don’t forget, the ten days of review work that was sent home prior, is a great way to keep your child’s skills current. They can be found on Google Classroom.




                                          Mrs. Bomba, Mrs.. Champion, Mrs. Near, Mrs. Howard, and Mrs. Pedersen