• Ms. Lawrence’s

    Course Syllabus


    Room 14B


    1. Course Description

               Please note that this is a self-contained class, and our curriculum is modified. We will cover a combination of the third and fourth grade curriculum.   Students will participate in whole class lessons for Science and Social Studies.  Students will be instructed in Reading, Writing, and Math through the delivery of mini lessons (15 minute whole group sessions) and targeted small group instruction.  We will meet and address their IEP goals while covering grade level standards.  All of our curriculum will be introduced at a pace that is appropriate for the students in this class.  


    1. Curriculum

              We will use a combination of resources for each subject.  This includes textbooks, workbooks, websites, and hands on manipulatives.  


    Reading:  We will follow a Reading Workshop Model based on Lucy Calkins' Units of Study for Teaching Reading.  We will have a group mini lesson to cover grade level topics, followed by small group instruction based on the students’ current reading level.  (Current reading levels will be determined using the Fountas and Pinnell assessment). Strategy groups will be utilized to target specific skills.


    Unit Plan

    Unit 1: Building a Reading Life


    Unit 2: Reading to Learn: Grasping Main Ideas and Text Structures


    Unit 3: Mystery: Foundational Skills in Disguise


    Unit 4: Character Studies

    ELA/Writing:  We will follow a Writing Workshop model based on Lucy Calkins Units of Study in Opinion, Information, and Narrative Writing.  For vocabulary and spelling we will be following Zaner- Bloser’s Spelling Connections: A Word Study Approach. Our ELA program also includes the use of the Fundations Program, Level 3. Released by Wilson Language Training Corporation, the Fundations program supports reading and spelling instruction that is also supplemented by a handwriting program, including cursive writing.


    Unit Plan

    Unit 1: Crafting True Stories


    Unit 2: The Art of Information Writing


    Unit 3: Changing the World: Persuasive Speeches , Petitions and Editorials


    Unit 4: An Introduction to Literary Essay

    Math:  Every other day, I will meet with each grade level to teach the math lesson of the day. Third and Fourth grades will be using Ready Classroom with supplementary material provided by Tang Math. On the day the students are not with me, they will be working on math stations, small groups to work on IEP goals, and review of the lesson that was taught with me the day before. It is vital to 3rd and 4th  grade math that students are fluent with their addition and subtraction facts, including doubles facts and “Friends of 10,” this allows them to develop and employ their multiplication facts more seamlessly and encourages them to solve problems with the inverse operation.  We will be reviewing them along with strategies to aid in mastery throughout the school year, but it is the students’ responsibility to be practicing at home. Students will be assessed regularly on their facts. 


    Grade 3 Unit Plan 

    Unit 1: Three-Digit Numbers: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction

    Unit 2:  Multiplication and Division: Concepts, Relationships and   Patterns 

    Unit 3: Multiplication: Finding Area, Solving Word Problems, and Using Scaled Graphs

    Unit 4: Fractions: Equivalence and Comparison, Measurement and Data

    Unit 5: Measurement: Time, Liquid Volume and Mass

    Unit 6: Shapes: Attributes and Categories, Perimeter and Area and Partitioning


    Grade 4 Math Units


    Unit 1: Whole Numbers: Place Value, Comparison, Addition, and Subtraction


    Unit 2: Operations: Multiplication, Division and Algebraic Thinking


    Unit 3: Multi-Digit Operations and Measurement: Multiplication, Division, Perimeter and Area


    Unit 4: Lessons 17-24; Fractions, Decimals, and Measurement: Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication


    Unit 5: Geometry and Measurement: Figures, Classification and Symmetry


    Unit 4: Lessons 25-29: Fractions, Decimals, and Measurement: Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication


    Science:  We will be using the Science 21 series and NYS Elementary Investigation Units. Using the 5E model, students will engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate.  These programs do not include a textbook.  Instead, students learn science concepts through whole class lessons and experiments. 

    Unit Plan


    Unit 1: NYS Elementary Investigation: Circle of Life

    Unit 2: Structure, Function and Information Processing 

    Unit 3: Energy

    Unit 4: Waves and Information

    Unit 5: Earth Systems: Processes that Shape the Earth  


    Social Studies:  We will be following the district’s Integrated Social Studies and ELA program which was created by Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES. You can learn more about this program on the W.C.S.D. website.  


    Unit Plan


    Unit 1: Geography Inquiry Unit- Engage NY “Where Are We”


    Unit 2: Inquiry Unit- Engage NY “Is Sharing and Trading Across Cultures Always a Good Thing?”


    Unit 3: China


    Unit 4: Kenya


    Unit 5: Brazil Inquiry Unit- Engage NY “Do People Around The World Care About Children’s Rights?”

    Academic Assessment Tools: The academic assessments that will be used this year are Fountas and Pinnell Benchmarks, I-Ready, Math units Tests, Writing and Reading Benchmarks. 

    3. Classroom Expectations and Procedures

    Students have spent the first few days of school learning the classroom rules, routines, and procedures.  Our classroom rules follow our school-wide P.B.I.S. (Positive Behavior Intervention Services) program.  We will continue to revisit these topics throughout the year in order to keep our classroom running smoothly.


                                                    Be Respectful

                                                    Be Responsible

                                                    Be Safe

    The students have examined in depth what each of the rules mean, 

    what it looks like when we follow the rules, and what it looks like when we  

    are not.  


    • Individual Classroom Behavior System:   

    Students have an individual behavior clip on the classroom behavior chart.  These are color coded to visually help students track their own behavior throughout the day. Students always start on green, “Ready To Learn” and will be moved up as they demonstrate attention to task, commendable effort and diligence in persevering through challenging assignments. At the end of each day, if the students are on Outstanding Effort, We are doing great or Impressive they will get a sticker for the day. Once the student gets seven stickers, they are able to pick a prize from the prize box.  Student’s clips are moved back to  “Ready to Learn” so they are ready to start tomorrow off as a good day!  

    • Whole Class Behavior System:

    To reward excellent whole class behavior we have a “Smart Cookie Jar” on the board in the front of the classroom. When our class is noticed for excellent behavior outside the classroom such as in the hallway, cafeteria or specials classes and receive a compliment from another teacher they will be rewarded with a “smart cookie” added to our jar. Once the jar is full, the class will vote on what they would like their reward to be.


    4.  Activities/Projects Unique to this Class

    4th grade students will participate in chorus this year. In the grades  

    following, they will have an option to continue in 5th and 6th grade if it is 

    something they enjoy.  Students are also welcome to join any of Oak 

    Grove’s clubs.  Please keep an eye out for sign ups in your child’s take 

    home folder. Each grade level also has activities unique to their program.

    Students will participate in all grade level activities that scheduling permits.  

    5.  Grading Procedures

    Students will be graded based on a variety of formal and informal assessments and observations.  Students will be assessed in reading using Fountas and Pinnell.  Students' writing will be graded based on rubrics.  In other subject areas, they will have quizzes and unit tests. Students will be given advance notice for unit tests.  Daily work will also be factored into their grades depending on how much support they received.

    Some work in our class will be completed together as a group, some students will need more support at certain times on assignments, and some work will be completed independently to the best of your child’s ability.  

    Report card grades will reflect each student’s ability to meet their respective grade level standards with their program modifications and testing accommodations as stated in their Individual Education Plan.


    The following scale will be used for grading students in each subject area:

    Level 4: 95 and above (Meets State Standards with Distinction)

    Level 3: 80-94 (Meets State Standards)

    Level 2: 70-79 (Approaching State Standards)

    Level 1: 69 and below (Does Not Meet State Standards) 



    6.  Homework Policy

    Homework is to be completed the night is assigned and brought to school the next day.


    Nightly Homework (Monday-Thursday):

    Reading: Read for 20 mins Monday- Thursday

    Math: Worksheet.  The math worksheet will be a review of the lesson learned, or fluency. If the students have a topic quiz or test, they will have a review sheet to finish and/or study.


    Monday, write the words three times each.

    Tuesday, write the words 1-5 in a sentence.

    Wednesday, write the words 5-10 in a sentence.

    Thursday, study using the look, say, spell method.  

    Students will also occasionally receive Writing, Science, and Social Studies homework.  Please check your child’s red folder nightly (as it is subject to change).  Use your best judgment to determine the level of help your child needs to complete their homework and learn from it.  If your child can complete their homework independently, then please go over the directions with them before they begin and check their work when they are finished. Also, please check your child’s  Red Take Home Folder nightly for any other important papers that will be sent home.

    *** Homework is a review of the concepts taught for the day. If you find that your child is struggling, please send me a note and I will happily sit with him/her one-on-one to reinforce the concept.

      7.  Teacher Contact Information

    Please feel free to contact me at any time.  The best ways to contact me are to write a note and put it  in your child’s red folder,  send me an e-mail, or to message me on the remind app.  Please note that if you send me an e-mail or remind message, I am not always able to check my email during school hours but I will respond as soon as time allows.  


    Phone:  845-298-5280 (Oak Grove)

    Email:  jessica.lawrence@wcsdny.org

    Remind App: https://www.remind.com/join/82eh34g



    8. Late Arrival, Early Dismissal and Absences 

    Late Arrival- Students are considered tardy after 8:35. Students 

    will need to go to the main office and get a tardy pass. 

    Early Dismissal- If a student needs to be picked up early, please provide me with a note with the reason for the early dismissal, your child’s name and ID number. 

    Absences- If your student is absent, please provide a note with the reason for the absence, the child’s name and ID number. 


    9. Birthday Celebrations

    We would love to celebrate your child’s birthday in school.  Please send me an email or note stating when you would like to send in a birthday treat. We have 14 students in the class, please make sure you send in enough for all students to participate.


    10. Working Snack  

    (Students will be permitted to have one snack during the day while they are working.  It is their responsibility to be active and focused learners while they have their “working snack.”  Please send your child to school with a healthy snack and water or water bottle to be filled at the fountain each day.)


    **Please put your child’s snack in a zip lock bag, with their name on it. 


    11. Daily Schedule: 

    Please note that the daily schedule does change a little bit each day, at the end of the day. 


    8:25- 8:35: Arrival, Unpack, Morning Announcements/Copy HW

    8:40- 9:30: Reading Workshop

    9:30- 10:40: Writing Workshop and Snack

    10:40- 11:10: Fundations

    11:10- 12:00: Math 

    12:00- 12:45: Lunch

    12:55- 1:35: Special (schedule below)

    1:40-1:50: Read Aloud

    1:55- 2:15: Recess

    2:15-2:55: Science (Days 1-3) Social Studies (Days 4-6)

    2:55-3:05: Pack up and Dismissal


    12. Special Schedule:

    Students will travel in groups to attend specials with other grade level classes at Oak Grove.


    Mrs. Boeschl- Mrs. O’Shea





    Ethan V


    Day 1-Art

    Day 2- Music

    Day 3- PE

    Day 4-Art

    Day 5-Library

    Day 6-PE

    Mrs. Duffy- Mrs. D’Amato






    Day 1- Library

    Day 2- PE

    Day 3-Art

    Day 4- PE

    Day 5- Art

    Day 6- Music 

    Ms. Halliday - Mrs. Morano 



    Ethan L




    Day 1- PE

    Day 2- Art

    Day 3- Music

    Day 4- Library

    Day 5- PE

    Day 6 -Art