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    Winter Informance Program 

    Thursday, January 25, 2024

    7:00 P.M.


    Wappingers Central School District




    An Orchestral Winter Informance


    An Informative/Informal Performance

    in·for·ma·tive - adj.  Serving to inform; 

    providing or disclosing information; instructive.


    In-for-mal –adj.  Not according to the prescribed, official, 

    or customary way or manner; irregular; 

    unofficial: informal proceedings.

    Brought to you by the

    Fifth Grade Orchestras 


    Oak Grove, Kinry Rd, & Sheafe Rd  Elementary Schools

    Ms. Jovialis Gricius, Director


    D Major Scale

    Rolling Along

    Song for Christime


    Jingle Bells 

    Hot Cross Buns - Performed by Violins

    Au Claire de La Lune – Performed by Violas

    Tribal Lament – Performed by Cello & Bass

    Grandparent’s Day

    Twinkle Variations & Theme 


    Fifth Grade Orchestra Students

    Oak Grove 5th Grade Orchestra
    Lucy Borsch
    Hudson Diaz
    Kaylee Flynn
    Alana Gafoor
    Scarlett Ritholz
    Emily Shuster
    Alexandra Borsch
    Luis Castillo
    Savannah Dick
    Symphony Jones
    Leslie Sari-Maita
    Eva Carino
    Alivia DeMeo
    Kaylee Giusti-Chudkosky
    Aria Jerrick
    Peyton Santos
    Logan Scott
    Kinry Rd 5th Grade Orchestra
    Jaxon Coogan
    Kara Copit
    Jasmine Cruz
    Kimberly Cruz
    Stephanie DeTomaso
    Frank DiBattista
    Carlito Durante
    Liviana Fowx
    Jurnee Getter
    Timothy Pantelis
    Quinci Revenge
    Aaliyah Shanley
    Alexis Zagami
    Bryce Ziemer
    Zoe Adams
    Ryan Lococo
    Raylyn Merritt
    Savannah Schuka
    Dislenny Dominiquez
    Devin Fortier
    Andrew Rollins-Montefusco
    Nadia Verrechio
    Elijah Wilson
    Erina Zukaj
    Sheafe Rd 5th Grade Orchestra
    Parker Calerin
    Willem Geldorf
    Juan Gonzalez
    Leah Henriquez
    Joel Herrera
    Jewelisa Jenkins
    Luke Lenahan
    Victoria Mosquera Vargas
    Tuyet Nguyen
    Daniela Quezada
    Alonie Vasquez
    Serena Velez
    Dev Vora
    Thea Winsby-Bisi
    Rafaela Belesaca
    Evelyn Credo
    Laila Goble
    Jakob Ferine
    Leia King
    Terra Lutz
    Sofia Morales
    Alyza Santiago-Hernandez
    String Bass
    Riley Drew



    Board of Education


    John Lumia, President

    John S. Morgan, Vice President


    Marie Johnson

    Peggy Kelland

    Michael McFarland

    Cheryl Migatz

    Keith Odums

    Eddy A. Sloshower

    James Spencer


    Superintendent of Schools


    Dr. Dwight Bonk

    Senior Staff Administration


    Daren Lolkema

    Assistant Superintendent for Administration and Information Systems


    Dr. Michelle Cardwell

    Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction


    Kristen Dainty

    Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Business Development


    Richard Zipp

    Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services


    Renee Harris

    Executive Director of Human Resources


    Julia Montoya

    Executive Director of Special Education


    Ronald Broas

    Director of Facilities III