• Mrs. Caparco's Classroom Rules and Expectations:


    1. Respect yourself, the teachers & all others

    . Respect yourself and the rest of us by using appropriate language and wearing appropriate clothing

    · Treat others how you would like to be treated

    2. Put forth your best effort at all times

    ·Always do your own best work

    ·Put learning ahead of getting good grades

    ·Put quality ahead of just getting it done

    3. Be prepared for class each day

    · Come prepared with all materials necessary

    *An organized class binder containing all necessary materials and handouts

    *Looseleaf paper, pens (blue or black), and pencils

    * A planner to help keep you organized - the most successful students are organized

    4. Pay attention, participate and ask questions

    · Engage in what is going on in the classroom. If you have a question, ask it! Otherwise, I might not know until the test that you didn’t understand something. There are no stupid questions, and chances are, if you are wondering about it, someone else in the class is too. Be proactive about your learning and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

    5. Take responsibility for your actions

    · Take responsibility for missed assignments

    . Take responsibility for your actions. Be proactive and make good choices in your behavior


    1. Turn off cell phones & electronic devices

    · Electronic devices (Ipods, handheld games, cell phones, etc.) are NOT permitted in my classroom. Cell Phones should be turned off and invisible during the class period.

    2. Arrive to class on time & ready to learn

    · When the bell rings, you need to be sitting in your seat.

    · Be “physically” and “mentally” present in the classroom


    3. Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work

    · Cheating is completely unacceptable. If I see you cheating on any assignment… even for another class.

    · Plagiarism (copying work from another source without giving proper credit) is completely unacceptable.If you plagiarize on any assignment you will earn a “0” on that assignment with no opportunity to re-do the work for credit.


    4. Use polite and appropriate language

    · Offensive, derogatory, and profane terms are not tolerated AT ALL! Remember, if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all!