Resource Expectations

  • Teachers work with students on an individual and group basis following IEP goals to improve skills in areas needing remediation as well as assisting students with mainstream assignments and study skills.

    Students are expected to:

    *Respect other students and the teacher.  No put downs, threats, or foul language.  In turn, each student can be expect to be treated with respect.

    *Be on time for class.

    *Come prepared to work each day.  Bring writing utensils, notebooks, any other necessary materials, and a willingness to work.

    *Write all assignments in a planner, notebook or weekly assignment sheet.

    *Keep all notes organized in a binder or a notebook.

     *refrain from cell phone usage, phone will be confiscated for the period

    Evaluations of support and resource class will be based upon attendance, work habits and social interactions, and will be designated a score of PASS or FAIL on the student's ten week report card. My goal is for each student to have a successful and enjoyable year!