School psychologists provide direct support and interventions to students; consult with teachers,
    families, and other school-employed mental health professionals (i.e., school counselors, school
    social workers) to improve support strategies; work with school administrators to improve school-wide
    practices and policies; and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services. 
    Improve Academic Achievement
    • Promote student motivation and engagement
    • Conduct psychological and academic assessments
    • Individualize instruction and interventions
    • Manage student and classroom behavior
    • Monitor student progress
    • Collect and interpret student and classroom data
    • Reduce inappropriate referrals to special education.
    Promote Positive Behavior and Mental Health
    • Improve students communication and social skills
    • Assess student emotional and behavioral needs
    • Provide individual and group counseling
    • Promote problem solving, anger management, and conflict
    • Reinforce positive coping skills and resilience
    • Promote positive peer relationships and social problem
    • Make referrals to and coordinate services with communitybased

    Support Diverse Learners
    • Assess diverse learning needs
    • Provide culturally responsive services to students and
    families from diverse backgrounds
    • Plan appropriate Individualized Education Programs for
    students with disabilities
    • Modify and adapt curricula and instruction
    • Adjust classroom facilities and routines to improve student
    engagement and learning
    • Monitor and effectively communicate with parents about
    student progress
    Create Safe, Positive School Climates
    • Prevent bullying and other forms of violence
    • Support social–emotional learning
    • Assess school climate and improve school connectedness
    • Implement and promote positive discipline and restorative
    • Implement school-wide positive behavioral supports
    • Identify at-risk students and school vulnerabilities
    • Provide crisis prevention and intervention services
    Strengthen Family–School Partnerships
    • Help families understand their children’s learning and
    mental health needs
    • Assist in navigating special education processes
    • Connect families with community service providers when
    • Help effectively engage families with teachers and other
    school staff
    • Enhance staff understanding of and responsiveness to
    diverse cultures and backgrounds
    • Help students transition between school and community
    learning environments, such as residential treatment or
    juvenile justice programs
    Improve School-Wide Assessment and Accountability
    • Monitor individual student progress in academics and
    • Generate and interpret useful student and school outcome
    • Collect and analyze data on risk and protective factors
    related to student outcomes
    • Plan services at the district, building, classroom, and
    individual levels