I would like to introduce myself as the club advisor: My name is Carol Stumm.
Teen Club is a mix of students from all grade levels. The focus of Teen Club is to work to build social skills within the school community and partake in events/activities that benefit the entire club. Some examples that was done in the past are movies, game playing, crafting, going bowling, mall shopping on weekends and whatever the member would like to do
My Goals are:
To come together as a club and do activities in the school and community that get the student's involved with each other and create new friendships with the school/community.
All meetings will be held on 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of each month in room 231 from 2:25pm until 3:30pm, There will be late bused available or parents are welcome to pick up. I will send home informed on monthly basic to keep all updated.
If you have any question or concerns please email me @ carol.stumm@wcsdny.org