• Wappingers Central School District

    Social Studies Department

    Course Syllabus


    Course Name - Global History and Geography II - Regents

    Course Code - D447

    Duration - Full YEar

    Credit - 1.0

    Grade - 10

    Rank - 1.00

    Prerequisite - Must have passed Global History and Geography I 

    Assessment - In Global II (grade 10), all students tke the NYS Global History and Geography Regents Exam in June.  The Regents exam is also the final exam for the course - (weight of the Regents Exam on Final Course Average (TBD).  Students must pass this course and Global History Regents Exam in order to graduate.

    Textbook - World History - Connections to Today - (Prentiss Hall, 1999)


    Areas of Study :

    I. Enlightenment - 1685 - 1815

    a) Locke, Rousseau, Montesique, Diderot, Hobbes, Wollenstonecraft


    II. The Industrial Revolution (1750-1900)

    a) Dawn of the I.R.

    b) Britain leads the way

    c) Hardships of the I.R.

    d) New Ideologies

    e) I.R. Spreads/Cities


    III. Revolutions in Europe and Latin America (1790-1848) 

    a) When France sneezes, Europe catches a cold

    b) The Latin American wars of Independence


    IV. Nationalism in Europe (1800-1914)

    a) Building a German State

    b) Unifying Italy

    c) Russian Reform


    V. The New Imperialism (1800-1914)

    a) A western-dominated world

    b) The partition of Africa

    c) European Challenges to the Muslim World

    d) The New Imperialism of China

    e) Japan Modernizes

    f)  The British take over of India

    g) Impact of Imperialism


    VI. World War I and its Aftermath (1914-1919)

    a) The stage is set

    b) A new kind of war

    c) Making peace


    VII. The Russian Revolution (1917-1939) 

    a) Two revolutions in Russia

    b) From Lenin to Stalin

    c) Life in a totalitarian state 


    VIII. Crisis of Democracy (1919-1939) 

    a) Recovery and Economic Collapse

    b) Rise of Fascism 

    c) Hitler and the rise of Nazi Germany


    IX. World War II and its Aftermath (1931-1949)

    a) Aggression, Appeasement and War 

    b) Axis Advances

    c) Global Conflict

    d) From World War to Cold War 


    X. The Cold War (1945-Present)

    a) THe Soviet Union

    b) Warsaw Pact vs. NATO

    c) Cold War all over (Cuban Missile Crisis, Race for Space)


    XI.  East Asia and Southeast Asia (Mao) 

    a) Japan as a superpower

    b) China - Reform to Revolution (Mao) 

    c) Asian Tigers


    XII. South Asia and the Middle East (1919-Present) 

    a) India seeks self rule (Gandhi) 

    b) Nation building in the Middle East 


    XIII. Africa (1945-Present)

    a) Achieving Independence

    b) Struggles for Independence (Apartheid)

    c) MOdern Struggles in Africa


    XIV. Latin America (1945-PResent)

    a) Forces shaping modern Latin America


    XV - Globalization & Environmental Impact 


    For Information -  For a complete review of the NYS Social Studies Learning Standards, see http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/ciai/socst/pub/sslearn.pdf


    For the complete NYS core curriculum for Global History and Geography, see


    http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/ciai/socst/pub/sscore2.pdf (pp. 89-120)