Shrinsky, Genevieve
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- James S. Evans Elementary School
- Homework

Homework will be assigned weekly. Students will be utilizing their agendas to keep track of their homework. You can view the assignments for the week by accessing the class website and going to the homework tab. My goal is for the homework to be completed independently. If your child is struggling, please contact me right away so we can work together to support your child.
Homework will consist of the following:
Reading- Students should be reading for at least 30 minutes a night. Students can read books from their book bags, books at home, or digital books. After reading, students must complete their reading log with the title of the book and the number of minutes read.
*Parents/Guardians need to initial the Reading Log nightly.*
Math- Students will receive a math packet on Monday. Students can complete the packet at their own pace during the week. The recommended pace is approximately one page a night. Completed math packets will be collected on Friday.
Spelling- Spelling lists and a packet of activities will be sent home on Monday. Students can complete the packet at their own pace during the week. The recommended pace is approximately one page a night. Completed packets will be collected on Friday. Spelling Quizzes will be given on Friday.
-Homework from other content areas may be assigned as needed. Check their agenda to see if additional homework has been assigned.