James, Rebecca
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- James S. Evans Elementary School
- Syllabus
September/October Curriculum
Reader’s Workshop
Bend I: Reading to Learn About the World
Bend I, Session 1: Reading the World
Bend I, Session 2: Reading Books to Learn about the World
Bend I, Session 3: Learning How Books Work
Bend I, Session 4: Readers Reread
Bend I, Session 5: Readers Read by Themselves and with Others
Bend I, Session 6: Readers Talk about their Learning with a Partner:
Marking “Wow” Pages
Bend I, Session 7: Readers Notice and Learn New Ideas and New
Bend I, Session 8: Readers Add a Pinch of their Thinking to the Page
Bend I, Session 9: Readers Learn from Words in Books Too
Bend II: Reading Favorite Storybooks
Bend II, Session 1: Pictures Help!
Bend II, Session 2: Making the Words You Read Match the Words
on the Page
Bend II, Session 3: Readers Use Exact Character Words
Bend II, Session 4: If There Are a Lot of Words, There’s a Lot of Story
Bend II, Session 5: Readers Use Special Connecting Words to Put
Storybook Pages Together
Bend II, Session 6: Readers Use the Repeating Parts in Books to Help
Them Story-Tell
Bend II, Session 7: Readers Can Point to and Read Some Words in
Their Star Storybooks
Bend II, Session 8: Adding Labels to the Pictures in Our Star Storybooks
End-of-Unit Celebration
Writer's Workshop -
Launching Writer's Workshop
- We are all Writers: Putting ideas on paper with pictures and words
- Writers know that "When we are done, we have just begun".
- Carrying on independently as writers
- Writers call to mind what they want to say, then put that onto the page
- Stretching out words to write them
- Writing even Hard-to- Write ideas.
- Turning pieces into scrolls and books
- Planning teaching books page by age
- Asking and answering questions to add more
- Stretching out words to write even more sounds
- Letters to Teachers: Making writing the best it can be
Math Workshop
Same and Different
Match Objects
Match Shapes
Match Solids
Match Coins
Sorting and Classifying
Sort and Group 2D Shapes
Sort and Group 3D Solids
Vary the Size
Vary the Orientation
Repeating Groups
Introduce Patterns
Patterns with Shapes and Solids
Work Backward
Qualitative Comparison
Compare Rectangles
Compare Circles & Polygons
Above-Below & Between
Next To-Beside & Left-Right
Draw & Trace Digits
Five Frames
Snap Cubes
Tally Marks
Dice Patterns Circular Arrangement