• Van Wyck Junior High School


    Course Description

    Art 8/ Ten Week Course

    Textbook to be used in class: “A World of Images 

     This required course of study is part of the comprehensive, sequential Fine Arts program that begins at the elementary level and continues through high school.  Students will acquire knowledge, understanding and appreciation of of the arts while developing skills to express personal artistic talents. Grading RUBRICS are used as a tool of evaluation. In 8th grade, students meet every day for one 10-week quarter. We as art educators have used the New York State Education Departments publication "Learning Standards for the Arts" to design the curriculum, and lessons will be planned in accordance with the Common Core Standards.


    Areas of study Include:

    *The elements of art with concentration on line, value and color

                 -Two and Three dimensional artwork

                 -Value and Depth

                 -Color Theory 

    *The principles of design with concentration on balance, contrast, emphasis and unity

    *The use of subject matter and/or theme in art

                  -Abstract (objective and subjective)


                  -Connections between art and other disciplines

    *Two-and three-dimensional artwork

                   -Use of a variety of materials, processes, mediums, and techniques to make works of art 

    * Cultural and Historical content in artwork

                  -Twentieth Century art movements

                   -A. Warhol

                   -H. Matisse

                   -G. O'Keeffe

                   - Other misc. artists

                   -Connections between the arts and other disciplines

                   -Use of library resources


                    -Opportunities for further study in the Fine Arts

     * Art Appreciation

                    -Techniques of art criticism

                    -Respect for the creative process

    -           -Local cultural institutions (i.e. website visitation)



     Student evaluation is reflected in the art grade, a composite of a student’s participation and achievement in assignments and assessments.  The grade may be derived from objective and subjective (i.e. RUBRICS) teacher evaluations and observations, including the student’s demonstration of criteria-based skills and techniques in artwork, written critical analysis of artwork, sketchbook, portfolio, final and other assignments. All art projects will be evaluated through the use of a Grading Rubric. This method spells out what is required to succeed with the project. Students are directly involved in the grading process as well.
    Grading Policy
    Class assignments: 80%/ Final Exam:20%

    Class Requirements Needed Daily


    ·         Sharpened pencils

    ·         Erasers

    ·        Hand held sharpener (optional)

            Tissues to share, PLEASE!!! 


    Discipline Policy

    ·         1st offense-verbal warning

    ·         2ndoffense- verbal warning/ call home, if more serious

    ·         3rd offense- call home

    ·         Major offenses will get an immediate referral, i.e. fighting, etc.


    Student Expectations

    ·         Be on Time

              Be prepared

     ·        Be respectful to each other and the teacher

              Be responsible and put materials away
             Be safe by exhibiting acceptable behavior




    For the complete NYS Learning Standards for the Arts, see
