Wright, Kimberly - Physical Education
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- Roy C. Ketcham High School
- Grading Policy
Wappingers Central School District
Department of Physical Education
Roy C. Ketcham High School
Wappingers Falls, NY
(845) 298-5100 ext. 31044 (female office) & ext. 31045 (male office)
9th grade: Personal Challenge
10th grade: Healthy Lifestyles
11th and 12th: Lifetime Physical Education
Class Attire
All students are expected to dress appropriately for class in ATHLETIC ATTIRE. Shorts are mid-thigh, T-shirts, sweatpants, and sneakers are examples of correct attire. Students are not permitted to wear tank tops or sleeveless shirts. All attire worn during Physical Education must comply with the Board of Education Approved, Wappingers Central School District Code of Conduct. Clothing worn in Physical Education CANNOT be worn to school, with the exception of sneakers. Any jewelry considered dangerous must be removed before class.
**Physical Education teachers will have the final say as to what is acceptable apparel for class**
Class Participation
The department expects every student to be in class, prepared, and participate on a daily basis. Physical Education is a participation-based program; therefore absences from class will affect student grades. Missed classes for ANY REASON (sickness, funerals, college visits, etc.) must be made up. Make-up opportunities are listed below.
Each marking period student are allowed to miss 2 absences due to SCHOOL RELATED conflicts (music lessons, field trips, AP exams, etc.) without having to make them up. It is the STUDENTS responsibility to inform their teacher of this conflict PRIOR to missing the class. Failure to do so will result in the student losing all credit for the missed class.
Make-up Classes (must be on time and prepared for class)
- Zero period Even Days 6:50am-7:00am (before school starts)
- After School Odd Days 2:30pm-3:00pm (after school ends)
*Cuts from class, Late’s, or any UNPREPARED classes CANNOT be made-up*
*It is the STUDENTS responsibility to be aware of absences throughout the school year. Please check with your teacher if you have any questions regarding your absences**
Medical Excuses
New York State Commissioners Regulations state that there are NO medical excuses for Physical Education. Should a student have a doctor’s note stating he/she is medically limited from participating in Physical Education, it must be brought to the nurse and then they will provide a note for the student to give to their instructor. A student will not be required to participate in any activity relating to his/her medical limitation. Alternative activities will be given and must be completed within the assigned time to earn credit. Alternative activities include, but are not limited to: cardiovascular exercise, written reflection assignments, written research projects.
Class Failures
If a student fails 9th or 10th grade Physical Education for the year they will be required to retake the course the following year. These courses CANNOT be made up in summer school. If a student fails a semester of 11th or 12th grade Physical Education, the class can be made up by attending an approved summer school program or retaking the class during their senior year. A student is NOT allowed to double up in Physical Education until his or her senior year. At no time will a student be allowed to take more than two Physical Education classes per semester. This may mean that a student will be required to go to summer school to graduate on time.
*Physical Education is a New York State requirement for graduation*
9th grade: 5 points earned daily for 100% of grade.
10th grade: 5 points earned daily for 80% of grade. Homework, labs, tests
& notebooks will account for the remaining 20% of the grade for
each marking period.
11th & 12th grade: 5 points earned daily for 100% of grade.
**Due to NYS changing policies in regards to education, testing may be required and applied towards the student’s grade as per discretion of the Physical Education department**
Point System
1 point = Attending class
1 point = Changed for class in proper attire
1 point = Demonstrated Skill Level
1 point = Cooperation
1 point = Participation and Effort in class
*Students who bring any type of electronic device to class (unless authorized by the teacher) will lose credit for that class session. The device will be collected and handed into administration following the class*
*Students who receive referrals during the class or who need to be removed from the class due to disciplinary issues will lose all credit for that class session*
**PLEASE retain this page for your personal records**
Teachers Name: _____________________________Class Period:______
Class (circle one):
Lifetime PE (11th/12th) Healthy LS (10th) Personal C (9th)
Student Name (Print): ______________________________________________
Student ID: ____________________________
Parent/Guardian Name (Print):____________________________________________
By signing this form, both students and parents/guardians are acknowledging the rules, regulations, and grading policies set forth by the Wappingers Central School District pertaining to the Physical Education Department. Questions or concerns can be directed towards your students Physical Education teacher.
Student Signature: ___________________________ Date:________
Parent Signature: ___________________________ Date:________
Contact Information:
*Please list the contact information best for your child’s teacher to reach you*
Which method do you prefer to be contacted? (Circle one) Phone Email
Parent/Guardian Email Address:___________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone #:________________________________________________