- Roy C. Ketcham High School
- Global 9 Course Syllabus and Expectations
Classroom Expectations
Be Respectful!! Be Responsible!! Be Involved!!
- Students are expected to be on time and prepared for class. When the bell rings, students are to be in their seats with notebooks, homework, and pens or pencils out on their desk.
- Students are to be polite, respectful and courteous at all times. Students must raise their hand, listen to the person speaking, and must always ask permission before leaving their seat. NO negative comments will be tolerated.
- All work should be handed in on time.
- Students are responsible to obtain any notes and assignments given while they were absent.
- Students are responsible to check my website for up-to-date info on homework, extra credit, and other important announcements.
- Actively participate in class discussions, debates and small group work with a good attitude.
- All rules listed in the student handbook will be followed at all times.
- Most importantly, help to create a safe learning environment and have fun!
Updated Cell Phone Policy for 2024-2025 (Parents and Students, please be aware of this policy as it will be strictly enforced in class)
Grades 9 through 12: It is the policy of the Wappingers Central School District that students in grades 9-12 are allowed to carry smart devices during school hours and on school vehicles. However, during instructional times, students are prohibited from possessing smart devices on their person. Smart devices must be stored in a school bag or another location determined by the staff member in charge of that location. Any student who knowingly possesses a smart device on his/her person during an instructional period without permission, will be considered insubordinate and subject to the Student Code of Conduct. It is the policy of the Wappingers Central School District that the use of personal cell phones and other electronic devices is not permitted by students in grades 9-12 at any time in specific common areas; locker rooms, bathrooms, gym class, the auditorium, cafeteria, and classrooms (except for instructional purposes, and only at the discretion of the teacher), and hallways. Our High Schools will utilize lockable phone pouches as a deterrent for students who violate our cell phone expectations. Students who receive a referral for Cell Phone / Electronic Device Violation will, at the discretion of Building Administration, be required to store their device in a pouch for the duration of the school day. The device, locked in the school provided pouch will remain with the student for the day to ensure it is not lost or damaged by the school, and the student will be responsible for having the pouch unlocked prior to dismissal from school.
- An organized three ring binder, with paper and folder (binder with pocket folder will work).
- Pens and pencils
Grading Procedures
-Tests (30%)
-Classwork and Activity Center (20%)
-Homework (20%)
-Projects and Quizzes (30%)