Academic Performance Level Key
Meets the Standards with Distinction
4 - Student performance demonstrates a thorough understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level.
- Student demonstrates a deeper understanding of grade level standards.
- Student independently exceeds grade level standards.
3 - Student performance demonstrates an understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level.
- Student demonstrates consistent application of skills.
- Student independently applies grade level standards.
2 - Student performance demonstrates a partial understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level.
- Student is progressing in understanding, however, the skills are not yet mastered.
- Student needs assistance to apply grade level standards.
1 - Student performance does not demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge or skills expected at this grade level.
-Student is working below grade level expectations.
- Student struggles even with assistance.
- Student needs continued support and intervention.
N Not Applicable: This mark indicates that the specific standard is not applicable as the standard is not addressed during this quarter. You should expect to see several N/A's used in the first quarter especially during the earlier grades. This is because the entire curriculum can not be taught at once. While some learning standards will be addressed throughout the entire year, others will be phased in as the school year progresses.