• Welcome to 5th grade!  It is going to be a great year.  Please try to get these supplies in for the first day or as soon as possible.  We will start switching on the 1st day of school.


    5th Grade Supply List - Mr. Nurre and Mr. Nitz


    Four (4) pocket folders - Reading, Writing, Math, Take Home

    Four (4) 1-subject notebooks - Math, Reading, Writing, EXTRA 

    Two (2) half-inch binders - SS, Science 

    Loose Leaf Paper - please put in each binder


    Glue Stick(s)

    Package of Dry Erase Markers (This will probably need to be replaced throughout the year.  In math, they are used a lot) 

    Colored Pencils or Crayons

    Pencils - Can only use pencils in Math

    Pens - Can only use pens in reading and writing (No red or erasable please, blue and black are  

                                                                                   the best)

    Post-Its - Need a lot of them  (These will probably need to be replaced throughout the year.  In 

                                                     Reading and Writing, they are used a lot)

    Highlighters (At least 2 different colors)

    Tissues (Optional- but please!)

    Hand-held pencil sharpener

    Permanent Sharpie markers- Black is preferred.

    Soft Pencil case


    In bold is the most necessary if there are affordability concerns


    *If you can, match folder colors with notebook colors as it’s easier to organize.